It’s crazy! Like I question myself so often, ‘Nik, what is wrong with you?’ I get so anxious and depressed from one moment to the next. So, yesterday, I spoke to a Pastor friend about it. He helped me realize that my mom has been taking anxiety medication for as long as I can remember, and my genes probably have a lot to do with why my emotions are all over the place. One minute I’m extremely happy, excited, at peace, and the next, I’m running to God feeling sad, anxious, and overwhelmed.

After that conversation, I called my little venting board, my daughter, Julie. I explained to her about her grandmother and the pills but that I’m not going that route. I’m going tackle these thoughts that get the best of me by doing these specific three things:

▪        Sleep! I find if I don’t sleep properly, my moods get worst.

▪        Appointments with God. Anytime I feel these negative emotions coming on, I will have a little time out with God and look at everything from His perspective.

▪        Discipline! Watching what I eat, what I think, and making sure I have my exercise every day.

After discussing with Julie, I go back to post my blog for the day to a group I formed called Health Matters, and this post there blew me away, two minutes after my conversation with Julie:

“Sleep, peace of mind, self-discipline, and happy and positive attitude are vital.” Wink! Wink!

I’m talking EXACTLY what I spoke to Julie about!!! I took it as a huge God wink and that He is intimately involved in our lives. For Him to have me talk to our Pastor friend to help figure out the situation with my mom, to me discussing with my daughter Julie to say I’m not going to drugs or alcohol, but I’m going to do these specific things that showed up in that post two minutes after I hung up from her, was just God’s sweet way of showing up for your girl here. Honestly, I’ve been praying and praying to Him for help for these thoughts that knock me down way too often, and He sent help AND confirmation that I’m on the right track! Heehaw!

So, if this is you, don’t play around with your sleep, your appointments with God, discipline in your thinking (think best-case scenarios knowing our help comes from the Lord), what you eat, and make sure you get some form of exercise every day. We all have problems, but remember, we also have God, who stands with us, working behind the scenes in the spiritual realm on our behalf. May we all practice having unshakable faith and confidence in Him!