“…perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

I loved reading these verses from 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 last night. They encouraged me so much as I go through my little storms at the moment, reminding me that I can hold my head high no matter the troubles because I know God is with me. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me! Heehaw!

Anyone else in need of that reminder? I’ve had only a few hours of sleep, but I was back up early to get my run in. Can you believe God even used that run to reveal His invisible Presence with me? Of all the runs in the Nike Running Club app, I decided to do the ‘SEVEN Minute Speed Run.’ However, because of a slight glitch, it refused to start and was frozen stuck. I said, let me give it a minute to unfreeze and I decided to sit and watch TV for a quick minute while waiting. Suddenly it started playing with the coach saying, “Welcome to the “SEVEN” Minute Speed Run” at the exact time as a soccer player on the TV was featured with a close-up on his number “SEVEN” jersey! Wink! Wink!

Again, this lined up to perfect to be considered some ordinary coincidence. It was God’s fun and sweet way of revealing His intimate Presence with me as if saying, ‘Nik, have no fear, I am here!!!’ He had that run to pause just to that point for me to see that number seven on the back of that player’s shirt, as my running coach said the welcome to the “SEVEN”-minute speed run!

That’s why we all can be hard pressed on every side, but not crushed because we can know that God is intimately involved in every moment of our lives. For my son to leave the TV on that specific channel, for me to sit there at that precise time, was all orchestrated by God to comfort me as I begin a difficult day. And with the comfort He gives me, He said it would be my gift to Him to share that comfort with you. Such love He has for every one of us!

In this life, we will have trouble, but most crucially, we have God to guide us every step of the way! Invite Him into every moment, KNOWING that we don’t have to have everything all figured out. We trust God that just how He had that number seven to appear, He has every challenge we will ever have all coordinated and already worked out. BY HIS STRENGTH, THEY WILL BE HANDLED! Wink! Wink! It is just for us to show up, pause, seek His input, and be obedient to His direction, every little step of the way, listening to His voice that is within each of us. Wink! Wink!