That’s the verse from Isaiah 43:2 I feel God speaks to me through so often lately. Not only does He comfort me with so many of our favorite Bible verses that show up everywhere, but He also sings to me! Call me crazy, but this morning, in the middle of my run with Him, I was bawling, crying like a baby feeling so loved by God.

This God wink started when I woke up to have my regular appointment with Him reading our family’s website, we rollwithgod.com. At 51 minutes past the hour, I go to read page 51, with this post showing up at the top:


Let me tell ya! I’m having the best time listening to Beres Hammond’s song, as if God is singing to me:

“I feel good

When you’re wrapped up in My arms

Dancing to a reggae song

Feel good, feel good

I feel good cause your perfume isn’t loud

That only I can talk about

Feel good, feel good”

God said I should find new ways of enjoying Him, and I’m doing exactly that, imagining that I’m going through my life wrapped up in His arms dancing to a reggae song, with only Him smelling my perfume. (SMILE)”

I had such a good time reading this because I’ve been locked up alone with God a lot these days, and I do imagine Him smelling my perfume! (Crazy, right?) But to tell you how much God knows every thought we think, can you believe out of my library of over 800 songs, this very song played minutes later when I began my morning run. I’ve written so many times how I put my music on shuffle, and God takes over as my DJ, and this morning my DJ did not disappoint! Your girl here started crying, feeling so loved by Him. Like no way this was some ordinary coincidence! For me to go specifically to page 51 to read this post about this song and minutes later for it to play randomly was all God!

He even went another step to confirm that this was really Him singing to me through that song. Still crying, I go back to reread the post, and as I’m reading it, the run was continuing through my AirPods. And as the coach said the word “smile,” I read the word “SMILE” on the post at that exact moment. To perfectly orchestrate these winks for His girl here as I go through some deep waters, it was His loving way of saying, ‘Nik, I’m with you!’

Don’t miss out! Get in on this love from God! Start having your appointments with Him and seeking to know Him better. I promise you; there is nothing better than going through life knowing God is your Companion! Nothing!! He helps us keep our heads high no matter the troubles! GOD STRONG, BABY!!!