Was the caption on yesterday’s pic that I’m so running with! Even this morning, in one of those low moments, He unbelievably found the sweetest way to let me know that His invisible Presence is always with me. Right after my morning run, I sat down to read my meditation book, Jesus Always, and after I’ve repeated so many times how God is trying to teach me this difficult lesson of patience, this message showed up:

“LOVE IS PATIENT. In the apostle Paul’s long list of characteristics of Christian love, the very first one is “patience.” This is the ability to endure adversity calmly-not becoming upset when waiting a long time or dealing with difficult people or problems.”

‘God, here we go again about this patience thing!’ I smiled with Him. I loved it so much, though, I went as far as taking screenshots of the message. The appointment with God did the trick, and I was crucially

reminded that He was with me.

Fast forward like 5 minutes after putting down my phone from that appointment, unknowingly, my son grabbed it from when I dropped it, and he started watching a YouTube video. I still had my air pods in my ears from my run, and exactly where Emmie continued watching a video, the YouTube gamer guy incredibly says in this fun voice,

“I’m telling you, it’s all about patience, bro! Be patient!” Wink! Wink!

And that was another one of my God winks when everything lines up a little bit too perfect to be some ordinary coincidence. It was all orchestrated by God Himself to let His girl here know that He is forever with her. Wow! Notice God’s fun and sweet side, ““I’m telling you, it’s all about patience, bro! Be patient!” When patience has been this tough lesson He has been trying to teach me! Of all the millions of YouTube videos, for Emmie to start this one, precisely at that spot for me to hear, was all God.

Does anyone else need that reminder? This crucial virtue of patience is not something we practice much anymore, but as you can see, it’s important to God. To be quite honest, I’m grateful for this lesson of patience. It has guided my life to a very beautiful place. My brother, Kevin, put it like this, “I’ve made a lot of good decisions because I was patient.” I feel the same way!

God’s ways are not our ordinary human ways; they are so much better! With the patience and love He shows us, can we learn to show patience to others, all for His glory? No one walking on this earth is perfect; We all need patience. “I’m telling you, it’s all about patience, bro! Be patient!” Wink! Wink!

“When you and I are patient, we see God at work in our life. When we are patient we don’t jump ahead of God, we do exactly what He says. We begin to see how He works things out and we’ll conclude every time that God’s way is the best way.”

— Charles Stanley

“No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.” 1 John 4:12