That was the conversation question my son, Siah, asked at the dinner table last night. I thought back to a year ago when my heart was crushed into a million pieces! It wasn’t pretty, y’all! But what a difference a year makes because I’m even thanking God for the gift of getting my heart broken. Go figure! It was His way of helping me to get free from so many heavy burdens I carried around with me. I’ve climbed back up to the top of the mountain, baby, feeling stronger than ever. And it’s another testimony to the grace of God in our lives and that we CAN heal from hard things. Whoop! Whoop!

I just downloaded Devon’s Franklin’s book, ‘Live Free,’ and immediately upon opening it, I received a wink from God in the book’s dedication:

“To every caged bird…it’s time to break free.”

In His extremely loving way, God is trying to free all of us from whatever is holding us back from living our best lives with Him. I’ll never forget the visual of a bird being released from a cage on Instagram. I thought it was God saying I needed to free my husband from the cage I wanted to keep him in, but in a book that I randomly opened a short while later, the title of the page was ‘Freed From Our Cage,’ and I immediately knew God was speaking to me, ‘Nik, it’s you I want to free!’ The book amazingly said:

“In His (God’s) strength, may we no longer be bound by fear, shame, or oppression. God has rescued us from those cages of death. We can run free.”

Amen! Thanks, Devon for the God wink! I know God is still calling me to run free from fear, sadness, regrets, disappointments, shame, and worrying too much about other’s opinions of me. I need to step up to where God has called me to be and living my best life with Him! Heehaw! God. Let’s do this!

Honestly, like Siah put it one day to me: We have three voices in our head: God’s, doubt (the devil!), and our voice. Too often, we allow the thoughts from the devil to hold us back and weigh us down. We must be alert and discerning of the voice we listen to!!! That’s why it’s so important to have a relationship with God, so we follow His lead. I want us to have conversations with God all day, every day, following what HE would have us to do. Let’s not let the devil put insane ideas in our head telling us to do and think crazy things. Say, ‘No, no, no! I’m living my best life with God!’

“The Goal: To be devoted to God and driven by a passion for Him—That every breath and beat of the heart might be for His glory; that every thought, disposition, word, and activity might be conformed to His will; that every accomplishment might find its end in His good pleasure.” – Paul Washer

Get Devon’s Franklin book, ‘Live Free!’ He has been one of my crucial messengers from God! I want to follow him being a Rockstar for God! But first, I must live free!!! What is God trying to free you from? Amen!