Oh my goodness! I’m so thanking my daughter, Ember, for being so real with me when she said this to me recently – l love criticism! Can you believe God even confirmed that this was partly why He gave me this big challenge I need to tackle lately? Yesterday, I stopped working just to have an appointment with Him, and I asked Him what He had to say to me through my own book, and look what incredible showed up exactly where I randomly scrolled and open up to:


My message from God lately seems to be WORK HARD! This has been the biggest complaint from my hubby, that I need to work harder (I’ll admit it, life in Nigeria has made me very lazy because of all the help I get). And now, God seems to be joining in with this message that has shown up all over the place…

… I saw someone I hadn’t seen in over two years. I told him that we’re guaranteed to be winners if we go with God, and he responded, “and work hard!”

Later that same night, an email newsletter from Joel Osteen came in with the scripture verse quoted for the day: “Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people” (Colossians 3:23, NLT).”

Wow, that just changed my entire perspective of this stressful ball in the air that I’m tackling to, ‘Wow, God, I will cheerfully complete this assignment as if I’m working for You!’ “I’m at the service of the President,” I always tell my husband, to help him and support him anyway I can, so this was God’s way of giving me even more inspiration to lovingly bravely and manly handle it. God, may I be the wife, mother, and person you will have me to be!

And after a conversation with my husband this morning, I’m even more motivated to up my game and change my reputation! I asked hubby if there was fuel in the car for taking the boys up and down to school, and he responded, “Yes! I don’t play with my responsibilities!” Let me tell ya, this husband goes the extra mile in taking care of his family. We’re so blessed by God to have him! But I must admit, I need to step it up! Like the next book that I never work on! But no beating myself up over the past:

“All experience failure, and are required to right things after each lapse and go forward as if nothing has happened. Lamentations (expressing grief) over these failures would only cost time and energy. These are precious gifts of God which we are not supposed to waste. It is necessary that we use each minute well if we are to be ripe for heaven.” – Yes, Father

Let’s all WORK HARD and play our roles well (like hubby is so excellent at) of whatever God has called us to do! Especially in our homes! Our families are critical to God! We all have demons and angels in us, but we must focus on the angelic qualities of others and overlook and ignore the demons, going the extra mile in support, love, patience, and kindness with everyone. Bring Heaven to earth, all for God’s glory!