That was my daughter, Julie, having some fun with me after I thanked her for this old post that greatly encouraged me yesterday:

“This life is too hard to do it on our own!!! I was so happy when Julie and I spoke about having courage, and at that point, she became my teacher. She said something like, “IT’S JUST ABOUT LIVING LIFE KNOWING YOU HAVE GOD’S PRESENCE CONTINUALLY WITH YOU PROTECTING YOU, GUIDING YOU, AND HELPING YOU. THAT YOU’RE NEVER ALONE.”

I’m the God maniac here, but my seventeen-year-old is the one teaching me about having more FAITH in God! But honestly, today I woke up with such strong confidence in Him doing exactly what Julie taught me: “IT’S JUST ABOUT LIVING LIFE KNOWING YOU HAVE GOD’S PRESENCE CONTINUALLY WITH YOU PROTECTING YOU, GUIDING YOU, AND HELPING YOU. THAT YOU’RE NEVER ALONE.”

So, even with all the heavy burdens that are trying to overwhelm me at the moment, I’m politely giving the heavier parts over to God to handle in the spiritual realm, while I do my best in the physical realm with the lighter stuff. Our God is faithful! I follow His nudges, cues, and solutions that magically pop to mind as the direction to take, and I confidently leave the rest with Him. This is His invitation to all of us:

“Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Accept my teachings and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest for your lives. The burden that I ask you to accept is easy; the load I give you to carry is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30, New Century Version

That’s my testimony! Even though the problems are trying to overwhelm me right now, I’m sticking with God! The wisdom, support, and favor from Him have guided my life on an excellent path. He is my Partner, Protector, Healer, Guide, Friend, Strategist, Counselor, Teacher, Helper, and EXTREMELY LOVING FATHER. I give every moment my best by continually seeking Him and what he would have me to do.

I love how His ways are not the world’s ways; they’re so much better! Once I put His perspective on everything, I’m good, but boy oh boy, without Him, I’m INSANE. Like I was teaching my daughter, Ember, something crucial about relationships. She was a little bit hurt and disappointed by her dad, and I said, “I want you to overwhelm him with love and appreciation. He has gone way beyond what any other father would have done for you! You can’t look at a small thing and get upset. Look at the big picture!”

As I spoke to her, I was talking to myself! God has changed my thinking from looking at my husband’s faults and failings to one of, ‘Wow! I’m so blessed to have this awesome man as my husband.” He came home last night from work to cook for us! When I told him today that I just want to make my husband happy, he said, “And I just want to make my wife happy!” I’ve learned to overlook by pretending I don’t see what I see and I don’t hear what I hear, and instead focus on the positives ((he does the same for me!), WITH THE HOPE THAT OUR BEST DAYS ARE STILL OUT AHEAD OF US. Amen! That goes for all our significant relationships!

DON’T MISS OUT! Get God involved in every aspect of your life by making time to have appointments and alone times with Him READING OR LISTENING TO ANYTHING SPIRITUAL OR UPLIFTING. Trust me, not one moment with God is ever wasted!!! We need Him! This life is too hard to do on our own!






God is working on me to up my discipline game by focusing more and becoming less distracted. I love some motivation from Julie’s bedroom:

▪        “Love the life you live and live the life you love” – Bob Marley

▪        One day you life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.

▪        If you don’t like the road you’re walking on, pave a new one.

▪        Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.