Let me tell ya! But that’s where a strong relationship with God comes sweetly in (HUGE SMILE). The other morning, I woke up with highly anxious thoughts about my sons, my crazy mind was coming up with all sorts of madness. It’s a good thing that whenever these negative thoughts start to get the best of me, it’s my cue to stop and have an appointment with God. I looked at the time, and I took the number of minutes past the hour to go to that specific page on our family’s website, Can you believe there was a picture of the boys and me together with the caption, “My Fight is God’s Fight.” It was just a special wink from God saying, ‘Nik, what’s the problem here? You know I’m your Partner in this parenting thing!” I smiled with Him, and the crazy thoughts went away!

Not only is God my Partner in parenting, He is my Partner in EVERYTHING! Oh my goodness! No matter the troubles, He shows up for me. I wrote a long post recently about how He is helping us to get our business back on track. He gives us the guidance in buying inventory, the wisdom as to what staff to hire, he sends us good customers, the solutions to problems that come up, the strategies on how to close sales, but most importantly the peace, courage, bravery, and boldness to take on a tough business KNOWING He is always with us. We do our best in the physical realm, trusting that God is at work in the spiritual realm on our behalf!

“’Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” – Zechariah 4:6

In my marriage, I’m more committed to my husband than ever before. God keeps telling me in my appointments with Him to focus on the good. It has finally sunk in! LOL! I told hubby this week that, next to God, nobody will treat us better than he treats us. His new name is “BEST HUSBAND.” All my falls last year were about God teaching me some valuable lessons about loving people the way He loves us: UNCONDITIONALLY. God was helping me to PRACTICE being more patient, faithful, loving, kind, gentler, and forgiving. Practice makes perfect, y’all! I see a softer Nikki emerging in all my relationships. And I’m so much happier for it!!!

And when the stresses and challenges come, God sweetly reminds me that He is my dependable back-up in this very troublesome world. I confiscated Joshie’s phone last night so that he could go and brush his teeth. I decided to open it up to see what God had to say to me in The Purpose Driven Life Devotional for Kids, and I opened directly to this after a

trouble-filled day:

“Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote,

God is there, ready to help;

 I’m fearless no matter what.

 Who or what can get to me?” – Hebrews 13:5-6

I’m Godfident, baby!

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:13