That was my brother, Kevin, to me some months ago, and honestly, I’m giving all the glory to God, who has led me on this extraordinary path. I get to live between the US and Nigeria, truly enjoying the best of both worlds. I then have the honor and privileged of sharing these fabulous adventures with you. My life’s assignment, which I’ve happily accepted from God, is to live my best life with Him, as I, hopefully, inspire you to do the same. Forget Cardi B, y’all, I’m living my best life with God!!!

When I say gorgeous, it doesn’t mean I don’t have my share of challenges, hurts, frustrations, disappointments, losses, and sadness. Believe it or not, though, God uses EVERYTHING, NOTHING IS WASTED BY HIM, to help us learn some pretty fantastic lessons that make us wiser, stronger, bolder, more loving, braver, and most importantly, to bring us closer to Him.

Like 2020, which I now call my year of one million falls. My daughter, Ember, at one point said, “This is looking like your worst year ever.” I said, “No, no, no. This will be my best year because it will bring me closer to God.” I took that statement to heart, realizing that my daughters were both watching me take on some complicated, messy and difficult stuff, and I had to show them how to take on whatever life throws their way, KNOWING God is right there with us.

That mission of getting closer to God was wonderfully accomplished. In every one of those million falls, I would run to God, seeking some little glimmer of His Presence, and He would find some way to let me know He was right there with me. It taught me that my GREATEST STRENGTH was knowing I need God every moment. I must always look to Him for wisdom, guidance, approval, strength, and direction. That I can lean on and be confident in Him! In fact, I felt God go to great lengths to let me know His Presence was always with me.

My favorite one was when my husband sent me a picture from Nigeria from some years ago. I sent Him back a text (feeling in my spirit that God was the one dictating the words):

“Forget the former things! God is doing a new thing! He is taking our family to new and greater heights! HE WILL MAKE A STREAM in the wastelands, a spring in the desert.”

Turns out, that day, there was an urgent errand that needed to happen for our office. Although I could’ve easily delegated it to someone to take care of, I felt God in my spirit saying, ‘Nik, you do it.’ I asked my daughters to accompany me to make it a day together. As we were driving to our office, Ember says, “Mom, look!!!” She pointed to this LONG STREAM of water flowing next to the highway that was not there before. It was like a new river just suddenly appeared! Apparently, all the rain that we were having ended up flooding over next to this major highway. I immediately thought of the text to my husband that very morning. “God is doing a new thing. He will make a stream in the wastelands.”

And let me tell ya, that lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! That was God giving me that unbelievable sign so that I remember His promise – Nik, I’m doing a new thing with your family! Just watch me! And that He was with me!!! It was like the rainbow He gave Noah after the flood. Asking me to stick with Him on the high road being my most patient, loyal, and loving self. I remember spending that day with my daughters, so incredibly happy, feeling so loved by God, that His loving Presence was with us, and He loved our family that much to have this large stream of water to flow next to this major US freeway.

That’s just an example of the amazing love I feel from Him. The love where I feel He sings to me, sends people to help and support me, the solutions to problems that will magically pop in my mind as to how to handle complicated situations. Like, ‘Nik, do this.’ I’m talking step-by-step instructions in the most difficult of problems.

With such love and tenderness He shows me, He has asked me this, though:

“This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you.”  – John 15:12

As I look back at 2020 in hindsight, I can see clearly now that this was what God was definitely teaching me: TO LOVE OTHERS THE WAY HE LOVES ME. A recent experience, feeling cut off by someone, I go to have an appointment with God, and my meditation book said this:

“It may then well happen that on certain days I count twenty lapses (mistakes), while I couldn’t none on other days. And yet I may have made greater progress on the days when twenty failures occurred than on the days without one.” – Yes, Father

In thinking about this, I can now see that those one million falls last year were all God’s way of helping me make LOTS of spiritual progress. He taught me all about loving others unconditionally, forgiveness, patience, perseverance, loyalty, and staying on the high road with Him. To be this person who kept getting back in the ring to fight, no matter how many times I got knocked down, knowing He was my strength and support.

God’s ways are certainly not our human ways. Humans cut you off and reject you when you are not who they would have you to be. But God’s love is faithful, dependable and He promises to never leave us or forsake us. In my year of one million falls and mistakes, He brought me even closer to Him.

So much so, this was me back in August after spending an entire weekend totally frustrated with myself:

As of yesterday, August 24, 2020, I want to give my life COMPLETELY to God. To wrap myself in His love (no other love necessary!) and go through every moment of my life KNOWING I’m completely loved, approved of, and accepted my God. To be His girl totally, following His leading in every moment of my life as to what He would have me to do – complete surrender! To be the mother, wife, and person He would have me to be. Not trying to get love from others, but just showing up as my most loving self, sharing God’s love with everyone. Like my brother, Kevin, taught me, I want to SHINE BRIGHT. Like if you’re not rolling with God, you’re missing out on the best life! I want everything about me to REFLECT Him:

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

I just wanna be His, glorifying and enjoying Him! That means continually keeping my focus on God as I walk through life wrapped up in His arms, sucking up all His love and attention!

Are you with me? Living a life close to God and enjoying Him? No matter how far you feel you are away from God or how awful a place you find yourself, trust me, He is waiting with open arms for you to invite Him in and to be a part of your life, helping you no matter the challenges you face. No matter how long you’ve traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.

God’s an expert in everything! It’s just for us to learn His voice so we know on a moment-by-moment basis what He would have us to say, what he would have us to do, and where He would have us to go. It just takes practice. The practice of pausing and listening to Him in our spirit, to see what He would have us to do in the 1,000 decisions we make every day. Like that conversation with Him about the important errand that needed to happen. When I thought about everyone else going, I didn’t feel peace. But when I thought about going myself, I felt that peace from Him, and me and the girls ended up having such a memorable day together.

Right now, I’m back in Nigeria with my Emmanuels (husband and two sons), and honestly, I’m enjoying them so much. Again, I felt peace about travelling with them. So, my entire life is becoming this beautiful conversation with God, and I’m filled with peace, joy, and love for everyone and everything. Even the bad knowing they’re all there for my good.

Can we all commit to a life of more love? It’s a practice like listening to God and following His lead! The more you practice the better you get at it, and the better your life will become. Love is the way, baby! Extremely hard sometimes, but that’s where God’s strength within us shows up perfectly to assist us. We do it for God. Our reward is with Him, because this is the way He guides us on the paths He has for us. His plans for us are good! He truly has given me more than I can ever ask or expect, but being my most loving self has helped me to get here. God is love. Let us reflect His character everywhere we go, especially in our homes and then spreading out from there! Let’s all say a joyous Yes, Father, committing to a life guided by Him in every moment being the people He would have us to be. Even if we fall a million times, we still know He loves us unconditionally! Amen!