That was the question from my sweet sister, Juanita, that got me all fired up! She meant office-type business, but I’m taking it as a wink from God to take this time with my hubs and sons just as seriously as I took the challenge I came some months ago to tackle. My sons have some crucial exams coming up, and I’m going to take some time to FOCUS on them to help them be all they can be, by God’s grace! Yes, I’m here on business! To help raise some fantastic sons and spend time with the best husband!


I love this word “FOCUS,” though! Pretty cool that I get to leave the US and everything I have going on there to come to Nigeria and say to my sons, “I’m here to FOCUS on you guys. You’re what’s most important on my agenda!”


Let me tell ya, it was lots of conversations with God about whether to come or not, and I felt Him giving me the nudge in my spirit that this was where He wanted my FOCUS for now. I felt those feelings of peace that I always write about when God wants me to go in a certain direction. However, if I had felt stressed or anxious when I thought about going, I knew that’s His way of saying, ‘Nik, don’t go!’


So, I’ve wisely learned to keep my FOCUS on God and what He would have me to do on a moment by moment basis based on these feelings, nudges, signs and cues that I’ve learned from so many times of practicing listening to Him. Like I now read back on all my old posts and I’,m wonderfully reminded of so many times when I’ve followed God’s leading, and things have worked out incredibly well. In fact, EXCEEDING well!


“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you” (Psalm 32:8).



Are you allowing God to be the Guide of your life? Our job is to stay FOCUSED on Him, doing what He would have us to do in every relationship, every circumstance, and every decision. Before you make any decision, start practicing asking God first. If you feel stressed, worried, doubtful, anxious when you think about going in a certain direction, that maybe God saying, ‘Hold up, let’s rethink this.’However, if you feel excited, happy, peaceful, that’s His way of most likely saying, ‘Yes, this is the way!’ It takes lots of PRACTICE to really learn His voice, but it’s worth all the effort! I’m so enjoying boys, hubs, and a yard full of the most delicious mangoes!


“Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight” (Psalm 119:35).  (Wink! Wink!)