That was me to my daughter, Julie, this morning when she called to tell me something “bad” had happened. That “bad” was that she didn’t get her usual 100% in her college’s Public Speaking course, and instead got a 97%. The horror! (SMILE!) I used it as an opportunity to tell her how life is like that grade. We can either focus on the 97% good and positive things, or we can focus on the negative three percent. “And as I speak to you, I’m really talking to myself. I’m very much guilty of stressing too much over that 3% in my life that I’m not thrilled about instead of the 97% of my life that I’m in love with,” I confessed to her. I encouraged her with this verse that showed up in my morning appointment with God:

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” – Philippians 4:8

And we all have so much to be optimistic about no matter the circumstances we face, especially when we look at everything from the God perspective knowing He is our wonderful life Partner who will never leave us or forsake us. Our hope is in God, baby! My appointment with Him was also about trusting Him, leaning on, and being confident in Him. That we can relax and enjoy our lives knowing He is holding us by our right hand as we walk through life with Him as our Guide. Our God is faithful!

“Let’s work on getting closer to God this year,” was the conversation with my daughter, Ember, this morning. She didn’t feel a high five from God in her appointment with Him, and I encouraged her to stay with them until she felt she had heard from Him, like, ‘Yes, God, high five! I know Your Presence is here with me!’

Are you having your alone times with Him? I promise you, He is the best Partner. As you seek Him through these alone times, you will find Him. You’ll begin to learn His voice and specifically what He has to say to you through His nudges, cues and messages that can show up anywhere as He helps you to make the wisest decisions in every aspect of your life. He is pretty talkative!  Off to study with my sons with my husband’s voice reminding me in my head, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Let’s do everything for God’s glory! Heehaw!