That was me to my hubby a short while ago! Between the two of them, we’re well taken care of. Even in a down world economy, we feel God sending customers our way.  And my husband never stops hustling HARD to make sure everything is good for us. So much so that I told our kids, “None of us have any right to be upset at your father for anything. Whatever he does wrong, we just have to forgive him immediately because he does so much that is right.” That goes for crazy mama over here too! No marriage is perfect but I love that we stay committed to each other, constantly working on being BETTER TOGETHER. Ain’t nothing perfect! Let’s not let the weeds that show up, overshadow the wheat in our lives.

I feel God’s Presence so strongly with our family, though. Like some months ago someone out of the blue said to me that if I needed help with something, I should let them know. Turns out Ember did need some help with it. I stopped in the middle of my run to call them and ask for the help they had offered and they said no problem, and to see them later. I send Ember a text in regards to the situation, “I got you, boo.”

Fast forward to about two hours later, Julie asked to go to Target. We hop in the car, and of all the songs in the world, she plays one entitled, ‘I GOT YOU (Wink! Wink!),’ with the lyrics astonishingly saying “hit the TARGET” as we drove to Target.

Believe it or not, this was God’s sweet way of saying, ‘Nik, I got you guys!!!’ There is no way this all lined up on its own so perfectly to be called some random coincidence. It was God letting us know that He is with our family.

Everything worked out well for Ember and it’s just incredible how God shows up with such love to have that person say that to me months ago. Ember was amazed!

That’s the love from God I don’t want you to miss out on. His invisible Presence is ALWAYS with us. It’s just for us to keep our eyes fixed on Him, making Him apart of every decision we make. This is how He beautifully guides us.  I’m so inspired by something I heard Oprah Winfrey say that I’m making this my life statement: To live my best life with God as I inspire others to do the same.  Our hope is in God!