That’s our testimony, baby! We ain’t perfect, but we’re damn close! (SMILE) And those imperfections are all still a part of God’s perfect plan as, hopefully, you all get to see that He doesn’t require perfection to be a part of His royal family – He loves us ALL unconditionally – we’re His peeps! We can fall a million times, and He will help us get up a million and one!

He also wants us to know that true love can still exist within imperfections – ain’t nobody perfect. Hubs and I may go through our ups and down, but we don’t give up on each other. God has taught me that we can go through the darkest of nights and still have hope that better days are still ahead of us. We can trust that there is light shining beyond the dark clouds. As we do our best, we’re trusting God to do the rest. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Another SMILE)

Our job is to stay focused on God, doing what He would have us to do in every relationship, every circumstance and every decision:

“Trust the Lord with all your heart,

and don’t depend on your own understanding.

Remember the Lord in all you do,

and he will give you success.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

“But the Spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law that says these things are wrong.” – Galatians 5:22-23

I feel God transforming me into the person He would have me to be. When I want to be rude and unmannerly, He gentle nudges me in my spirit that this is not who He has called me to be. And I say, ‘Ok, God, anything for You,’ doing my best to stay on the difficult high road with Him. When thoughts of worry come, I ask myself, ‘Has God ever let you down?’ He has not.

I had such a rough yet beautiful day with Him. Again, He exceeded my expectations when He guided me to the perfect doctor to take my mom. Within minutes he figured out the problem with a test confirming his suspicions. It was incredible. A GPS guided route took me to pass a big building with the number 1175, and I knew this was God’s way of letting me know I was on the right path. Whenever I see the 11 and 7 together, they are my winks, letting me know that God’s invisible presence is with me. I just checked on her, and she’s doing much better. My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Amen!