That’s how I’m feeling today! I’m going through life knowing God is with me! In the 1,000 decisions I make every day, I’m learning to feel Him in my spirit, nudging and directing me as to what He would have me to do, what He would have me to say, and where He would have me to go. So, I don’t want to feel this close to Him by myself, I want you getting in on this love, wisdom, approval, and guidance that’s available to all of us.


He’s pretty talkative once you learn His voice. Like some months ago, hubby and I were in a dark space and I had a weird dream. I dreamt that I was feeling like a new love. The kind of love I first felt for my husband when we first met. The giddy type of love where we’ll call each other right back kind of love if we spoke on the phone. I freaked out like it was a nightmare – that hubs and I were going to split up! But after a few days of panic, God put it in my spirit, ‘Nik, that’s you and your husband!’ Can you believe that dream has come true? I honestly feel so blessed to have such a great husband who has been more than I can ever imagine or expect. We’re in the US right now, and to see him put so much love into our family, really blows me away. Thanks, boo! Ride or die chick forever!


But the real deal of what happened last year is that my identity was too much tied to being his wife. When I felt that was possibly being taken away from me, I was completely crushed. But God stood with me, and He taught me that my identity should not be tied to anyone, it should be tied to Him FIRST AND FOREMOST – GOD’S GIRL!!!. I don’t even wear a wedding band because every time I would try, I would feel irritated by it in my spirit. God wants to be our first love!!!


With His love, we can then live life from His perspective. Knowing He is with us and by our side, guiding, protecting, advising and LOVING us, we can seek to put Him first in our actions and decisions. God, what would You have me to do here? That’s how He beautifully guides us on the path to the best life. I’m so grateful that He kept me on track last year. He said to stay on the high road with Him, being the faithful, loyal, dependable, going the extra mile person for Him, and it’s paid off big time! I’m blessed!!!