That was me questioning my Emmanuels (hubby and two sons) while we ate dinner last night. I told them how I was feeling so sick  (a cold), discouraged, and overwhelmed by some big balls I have in the air, when my son, Joshie, came and asked me if I would like to have an appointment with God with him. I said, “That’s a great idea! I need one right now!”

It was exactly 4:00 so I said let’s read post number 40 from our ‘Purpose Driven Life Devotional For Kids.’ It was the perfect message:

“Eyes on God

“But the Lord was with Joseph and extended kindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer.” – Genesis39:21

…A good example of suffering because of other people is Joseph of the Old Testament (Genesis 37-50). After being sold by his brothers into slavery, Joseph found himself in a foreign country, alone and hurting. He had every right to ask, “Why me?” How was Joseph able to hang in there?

First, Joseph recognized that God has given everyone free choice. No one is a puppet or a robot. We can choose to ignore what is right, and God does not force his will on us.

Second, Joseph knew that God saw everything he went through. He never doubted that God cared about him. There is an important phrase that is found five times in the story of Joseph, each time after a major crisis or defeat: “But the Lord was with Joseph.” Even when everything was going wrong, the Lord was still with Joseph.

Remembering these truths allowed Joseph to survive the pain and forgive his brothers in the end—because he kept his eyes on God.

Prayer: Lord, I need to remember that you are with me through sadness and joy, just as you were with Joseph. Thank you for caring for me and caring about me.”

And that’s been my testimony! No matter the challenges and problems I face, God stands with me. The best solutions would pop to mind when I know I’m not that smart. People I need will magically show up to assist me. God’s total guidance, strength, wisdom is always there as my back up no matter what comes my way. I just have to show up with my eyes on God, listening to His direction in every moment as to what He would have me to do.