I said to someone a few weeks ago in Nigeria, when they returned instead with two bunches of bananas. Our cook, Victoria, very wisely replied, “THAT WAS THE WAY GOD WANTED IT.”

Ever since then, anything that happens that goes against my plan or the way expected, I just say, “Oh well, THAT WAS THE WAY GOD WANTED IT.” And I see His LOVING hands behind everything!

Like I asked our travel agent to book our tickets to leave on a specific date from Nigeria. She said there were no flights until a week later. It turns out there were flights, but the only thing I figured was, “THAT WAS THE WAY GOD WANTED IT.” And I believe so because the day before we left was just a day filled with God winks. He just kept showing up for me the entire day based on things that had happened the day before.

Then it was my husband also calling for me to attend one of his office BBQs. I felt terrible telling him no that I wasn’t coming because I had banned myself from his BBQs, believing I need to set my husband free to live his life without me monitoring his every move. The BBQs are his time with his buddies without the wife around. “Love sets free!” I kept thinking, which Pope Francis taught me. Then that night, unbelievable before going to bed, I searched the word “faith” in my emails, saying I would randomly pick an old post to read and see what God had to say to me. Can you believe the very one I picked, incredibly, I had written in capital letters; “LOVE SETS FREE.” Wink! Wink! That lined up too perfect after me saying that to myself after feeling bad about not going despite hubby’s request.

That was an important reminder as I travel back to the US leaving hubby behind. This area of monitoring my hubby’s every move is where I go seriously wrong, and God politely corrects me, ‘Love sets free, my Nik.’

I loved a voice note from my other messenger from God, my brother, Kevin:

“Manny (my husband) is a good person. Everybody has their little faults. But, all in all, he takes care of his family, he respects his wife, and I don’t think you can ask for more than that.”

Amen! Instead of tracking hubby, I’m doing what God has asked, “Entrust your loved ones with Me. They’re much safer with Me than in your clingy hands.” Instead, the plan is to focus on my goals and dreams, like completing my next book, Rolling With God On The Daily, continue raising my kids Obama’s mother’s style, who woke him up early before school to teach him herself. And look what he has become! Our businesses are another focus area. I tell my husband that our great, great grandkids will eat from these businesses by God’s grace. So help me God. Tomorrow I will begin another 30 days of discipline to get a jump start on 2021! I love me better when I’m on by discipline bandwagon! I’m focused, man!

How could you turn down hubby’s invitation, though, Nik? Hubs and I ended up enjoying a nice evening together. THAT WAS THE WAY GOD WANTED IT! I feel that day was God taking me even closer to Him, a higher realm of closeness, baby, which was my prayer going into 2020! Mission accomplished. It was certainly not the year any of us wanted but THAT WAS THE WAY GOD WANTED IT, and He ALWAYS knows best.