Is knowing that I CONSTANTLY need God!!! Today ends the Ramadan fasting, and I’m thrilled as to where I began, to where I am now. No shame in my game, I cried out to God, ‘HELP ME!!!’ and He delivered me from all the crazy thoughts that were just keeping your girl here so down all the time. I’m still not where I want to be, but I’m happy I’m not where I used to be. Thank You, God!

A big part of my transformation came from listening to MANY a sermons from Devon Franklin (search YouTube for him) who tapped into exactly where I was going wrong in so many areas. In fact, I be getting on everyone nerves saying, “Devon said I shouldn’t eat sweets. Devon said I should cut out so much Netflix. Devon said I should not eat fried foods. Devon said I should wake up and have appointments with God. Devon said that I should get an earlier start on my day. Devon said I should FOCUS more. Devon said I should stop judging.” Told ya, I’ve been getting on everyone’s nerves!

But I’m happy with his TRUTH talks that have me working on becoming the best version of myself. I may fall a million times in the process, but I pick myself up a million and one with my focus continually on God asking Him to take my hand like a little girl, and we keep going together.

This morning, I listened to a sermon from him asking people to come up for an altar call who needed more strength from God to resist the temptation to live beneath their calling. I STILL need more strength from God to help me to FOCUS MORE and to stop being so distracted. I watched my daughter, Julie, sit down yesterday for the longest time at our dining room table with a mission to complete a book that she gave herself two weeks to finish. God, I need your STRENGTH to help me more hardworking, diligent and FOCUSED like my daughter. When I told her this, she prayed, “God, help me to be more like my mom, kinder.” (SMILE)

About nine years ago, I had hit rock bottom in regards to my weight after trying so many diets, pills, shakes and exercise plans that I felt like I was losing my mind when I cried out to God, “Help me!” He answered by sending me Dr. Joel Fuhrman. My mom saw him on a late-night infomercial and excitedly told me about him the next morning (seeing all the pain her daughter was in to lose weight!). That did it! I’m still sticking with him following his recommendation of eating lots of raw fruits and veggies, using little to no oil and making my diet 80-90% fruits, veggies and beans. I’m down between 50 – 60 lbs without constant dieting and, most importantly, losing my mind! God came to my rescue after that prayer for sure. Something about crying out to Him!

We can do anything with God! Any addictions, problems, or challenges? Say this pray with me, God, I need Your strength to help me _.” Fill in the blank!