That was me to my daughters yesterday! I turned into crazy mom to get them to clean their rooms and study. “It’s about having discipline!” is what I told them. And you don’t go far in life without discipline! The hardest thing we have to do is to conquer ourselves and be the people we know we’re capable of being. In fact, I’ve dedicated this entire year to be a more disciplined person. So far, I’m thrilled with the results! I’ve even cut out alcohol altogether. I found that it was only slowing me down. Now I wake up at 5:30 am, excited, feeling like I’m on a personal mission from God, not lazy and hung over.
Being disciplined in our THINKING is another tough one to conquer! Unnecessary thoughts will bounce back and forth all day long if we’re not careful. Today is another fasting day because I’ve noticed that these days are teaching me to focus on what’s essential and to most importantly keep my eyes fixed on God.
When the thoughts tell me to worry, to dwell on the past, to feel guilty, to be irritated by trivial matters, to be sad, I beat my mind with a stick to focus on things that are relevant to my dreams, goals, and aspirations, and my decision to celebrate everyday like a birthday, while still seeking to be the best wife, mother and person possible.
My meditation book had the best advice for me yesterday, a message from God:
“MY CHILD, there are many matters of which it is well for you to be ignorant, and consider yourself as one who is dead upon the earth and to whom the whole world is crucified. There are many things, too, which is well to pass by with a deaf ear, thinking, instead, of what is more to your peace. It is more profitable to turn away from things which displease you and leave to every man his own opinion than to take part in quarrelsome talk. If you stand well with God and look to His judgment, you will more easily bear being worsted (defeated).”
Such great advice! Sometimes we really have to pretend as if we’re ignorant and deaf. Otherwise, we waste precious time and energy fighting useless battles. That’s where this discipline comes in. Someone says or does something offensive to us, and we must DISCIPLINE ourselves to be SILENT and leave them with their own opinion. We must look to please God in every moment and what He thinks of us. Forget other people and what they think, do, or say and keep looking to GOD and seek to always please Him. Trust me, His ways are best!