Let me tell ya, the crazy lady is forever trying to make an ugly appearance, but God is with me, helping me to fight her off every little step of the way! Heehaw! Here’s how:

As soon as I wake up every day, I’ve trained myself to put on my exercise clothes immediately. A run around our neighborhood is my therapy time with God. I vent to Him about anything that’s going on with the cra cra lady, and He speaks to me, giving me His awesome perspective on the situation. I lovingly get ideas, solutions, mindsets, strategies to follow and, most importantly, He builds my Godfidence. I’m importantly reminded that I’m not going through life alone, God is with me. I can take on anything that comes my way, KNOWING HE’S WITH ME ALWAYS. I count on Him to do what I can’t do, working in the spiritual realm on my behalf.

Add in the Nike Running Club and Coach Bennet, and my mind is being blown away with POSITIVES to wipe out the negative thinking that wants to keep your girl here down. All my so-called “negatives” are looked at from a totally different perspective, and I leave the runs sincerely happier.
Like today, Coach Bennet encouraged me to acknowledge the setbacks, losses, and the struggles from the past, not to beat up myself about them, but to look for ways to be better. We can reflect on learning more about ourselves, embracing the losses, and then be extremely thankful for being able to come through them. We can look for essential lessons and THEN use them as momentum and motivation to make a comeback for another win. Woohoo!!!

And those ways of being better is where God lovingly comes in. Once you learn His voice, you’ll hear His whispers and directions. Do this first. Don’t say this. Try this idea. Improve here. I continually feel and hear Him direct me as to what He would have me to do.

“We’re doing hard things this year!” That was me to my daughters yesterday as we cleared out a huge pile of old furniture from our house for a bulk garbage pickup. Right after that, we had to clean up for some guests we were expecting. Today they’ll be joining me at work as we give our best and leave the rest with God. I can acknowledge that the comfortable life in Nigeria has made us very lazy, but we’re going to pick ourselves up, by the grace of God, and be better. With God and HARD WORK, we’re on an official winning streak beginning now. Wink! Wink!