That was me at about 6 a.m. one morning trying to motivate myself to exercise, and I’m proud to say I completed my 25-minute goal. Yayy! Go superhuman!
But this challenge from God to become super people in the world, not going by the ordinary rules of man, is a big one and it’s not easy. Physical discipline and telling my body it will exercise is one thing, but the spiritual discipline of trusting God in difficult circumstances—to love, forgive, and have mercy on ourselves and others, developing endurance and patience in trusting in God’s timing when we want to give up—is totally on another level.
And this is why I’m trying not to be upset at a friend who ended her marriage. I even get why she never called me to discuss it because I do the same thing sometimes with a close friend, saying to myself, I don’t want any of her stinking positive advice. So, I get it. But I also get that when we reach this superhuman level in our relationships, everything changes. To see the innocence in others and not their mistakes, to see all the good qualities and not just the ones we don’t like, to accept that nobody’s perfect and to love them anyway, and to overlook the unimportant, brings such joy to our lives. I’m not talking about regular joy; I’m talking about supernatural joy and peace that passes all understanding.
I love a text message I woke up to on my phone:
“Difficult times come to test the essence of true love. Love is not just about laughter and happiness. It needs to withstand difficulty to survive.”
At about 4 a.m. one morning, it was my pleasure to make tea and toast for my hubby as he said to me, “Nik, I’m sticking with you.” I told him that I’m sticking with him, too, and it was such a beautiful moment that I will cherish.
“Keep your eyes open to the beauty that surrounds you. God has placed many blessings upon your path. Gather them with joy.” – Maria Fontane, Mottos For Success
_“Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one who finds the gold” (Proverbs 11:27). _
Our Lord, help us become the superhumans you have created us to be. Amen.