That was me to my brother, Kevin, yesterday. He replied, “Of course, Neeks!” I thought it was my mom who needed to see him, but as he started talking to her, I realized his message was for crazy lady over here. He was saying how we could be our own worst enemy. ME!!!!! I’ve been going insane beating my head with a stick, but still fall back into negative thinking. I’ll catch myself, and ten minutes later, I’m right back there AGAIN. I’ve sadly allowed a situation to steal my joy and my peace. But, God knowing everyone I need in my life, sent my brother to talk some sense into me. Even coaches need coaches. At one point, I started crying and had to go and hug him because I needed to hear that strong talk from him.

God doesn’t want us sad. He knows the experiences and people we need to get us to grow, mature and become the people He would have us to be. He also sent Kevin another message from me: “I am with you always.” It was the exact message and verse from a bracelet I purchased on a sad day to remind me that I’m not going through life alone and God is always with me. I accidentally broke it, but God had my brother to come and show me a picture on his phone with the same message.

From there, mom and I went to a restaurant to sit outside, relax and enjoy our fav Cuban breakfast. We both took some time to read from our meditation book, God’s Promises For Every Day. It was this verse that gave me my high five from God:

Most importantly, love each other deeply, because love will cause many sins to be forgiven. – 1 Peter 4:8

That melted away all the anger and bitterness I’ve been carrying around. I want to control people and situations, and God said, Nik, your job is only to love deeply. Kk, Boss.

Can we all do that for God’s glory? Love each other deeply. Everything is between God and us, not between us and anyone else. His wisdom has led my life on a beautiful path, despite the occasional frustrations. Let’s look to Him in every moment asking, “God, what would You have me to do here?” being His representatives to a watching world.

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8