That was my brilliant son, Emmie, yesterday. I kept telling them I’m going for a run, I’m going for run, when he finally asked that. But I’m so happy he did! Why did it take me three hours to begin a 20-minute jog? And if I’m honest with myself, it because I’m back THINKING THE WRONG THINGS. ‘God, I thought I had this problem handled!’ But obviously, NOT.

No shame in my game, though, I’m back beating my head with a stick. When those negative thoughts come up, I want us politely referring them to God, keeping our eyes FIXED on Him in every moment. I’m talking taking every idea DIRECTLY to God, asking for His guidance and direction AS WE LOOK AT THE SITUATION FROM HIS ALMIGHTY PERSPECTIVE. I want us owning whatever situations we find ourselves in, giving an even stronger mental effort to always seeking God’s direction and what He would have us to do.

When the negative thoughts pop up that want to make us sad, worrisome, fearful, frustrated, annoyed, depressed, and anxious, we simply, beat our head with a stick and say, ‘No, no, no, I’m rolling with God, the Creator of the entire Universe. I’m KEEPING MY EYES FIXED ON HIM AND NOT THIS CRAZY WORLD. He can carry oceans in one hand!!!’ From there, we simply do OUR best with what God directs us to do, and trusting God to do the rest! Kk?

Like this handsome son, Joshie (pictured here), dragged me out to their school early this morning to see him get recognized for Math and Honor Roll. Shortly after that, I met with my husband on some ideas on how to take our business to the next level. I told him the other day that we are in legacy mode, leaving behind some significant values to our kids to pass on to their kids, to hopefully pass on to their kids, and so on. FAITH in God is number one on the list. He hasn’t disappointed us yet! ALL EYES ON GOD as we continue to be the excellent, going the extra mile in love, full of faith people He is calling us to be, NO MATTER WHAT’S GOING ON AROUND US. Amen!