That’s me to my hubby these days! Everything we do, I want it to be about leaving a tradition to pass on to our kids, to hopefully pass on to their kids, who will hopefully pass it on to their kids, and you get my point. It’s not about us anymore! All by God’s grace, of course! Nigeria has really taught me some important values that I’ve brought back to this other side of the world, and I’m super happy to share them with you.

Like the first and most important one is a STRONGER faith in God. A very simple life gave me space and time to seek God and to build a close relationship with Him, and that alone right there has made my life infinitely better. Knowing that I have God on my side and that I handle nothing alone gives me such peace and joy. All I have to do is stay in my FEELINGS (listening to His direction, moment by moment on what He would have me to do). Learning to PAUSE and ask God, ‘What would You have me do here?’ has led my life on a wonderful path. My life has become a joyous adventure with God led with His wisdom in a complicated world. He asked me the other day, through a meditation book,

“Will you at last believe in My love? Very simply, every moment, no matter what happens? And with the greatest joy?”

To be very honest, I’m still a work in progress. But I’ve noticed, even the negative situations that come my way are helping me to get closer to believing in God’s love for me. All the hurts, disappointments, challenges, problems, worries, sadness, anxiety are my PUSH to seek Him even more. The more I get hurt, the less I cry because every time I go to God, He figures out some way to say, ‘Nik, I’m with You!’ And with a love like, that I can take on the world knowing I have the BIGGEST AND BEST BACK-UP – God. He’s on our side and He knows what is best for us. I’m holding on to His hands super tight as I live my life with His arms around me.

Another significant value I’ve learned from Nigeria is loyalty and faithfulness. No matter what hubby and I go through, we’re sticking together. My sister in law was the first to teach me that the wife is the glue that holds the family together. Years later, I’m still doing my utmost best with that! And all the people I’ve met in Nigeria who have influenced me with their example and advice on fighting for our families. I’m grateful! Our loyalty to our families is rewarded by God Himself! Everything is between Him and us, not between us and anyone else! As we give Him our best, being our most loving, forgiving and excellent selves, He gives us His best! Wink! Wink!