Was me having some fun with my husband after he complained that he wished I was more like a friend’s wife who was very on the ball with helping him purchase needed items. At first, I was very hurt. Especially after an evening out with the kids and my husband gave them a whole speech praising them for making the Honour Roll but made absolutely no mention of the mom who was behind the scenes dragging them to the office to study, meeting with their teachers, staying up late to study with them, having constant conversations and pushing them to be their best selves. I’m talking this long speech without congratulation the kids and not one word about me. LOL!

But like my daughter, Julie, reminded me, we get our recognition from God, not from man. I want us in every moment always trying to the best people we’re capable of being all for God’s glory. God and heaven are our audiences. Got that? I want us gong the extra mile in striving to be the best wives, husbands, mothers, fathers and people God Himself would have us to be. Let’s be God’s representatives in the world spreading His love in everything we do. God is our reward!

And I can’t get over how intimately He is involved in our lives. I consider myself my husband’s Vice-President and on a certain business issue we’ve been discussing lately, I’ve kept saying, “Slow and steady wins the race.” Like so many times I’ve said it (I’m such a nag!) because this strategy has been working for our family. So, this morning when I heard him discussing the matter with someone else, I just said to myself, I won’t discuss it again and I’ll let Mr. President do his thing. Like 30 MINUTES LATER, I’m having an appointment with God and unbelievably look what showed up:

… but remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise, although he walked SLOWLY AND STEADILY (Wink! Wink!), reached the goal before the quick-footed hare.” – A Return To Love, Marianne Williamson

I immediately sent the pics to my husband as God confirming what I’ve been saying to him all along. Call me the crazy God maniac wife, but for this to show up was no coincident. God is still speaking to us, it’s just for us to PAY ATTENTION.

Like last summer, I kept saying to hubs on a different matter that I felt God saying to go in a certain direction with it. Again, Ms. Nag here, kept stressing him about it. Things didn’t go the way I felt it should have and based on what has since transpired, those feelings from a year ago turned out to be spot on.


GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING. He knows the future and He knows the utmost best decision for us, but if we don’t learn His voice we sadly miss out on His guidance. God loves each of us so much, but He doesn’t force Himself on us. He patiently waits for us to acknowledge Him and invite Him to be a part of our lives. Me sitting down and having alone times with Him asking for His input in my life has been the best use of my time. I don’t regret one second praying for a closer walk with Him and sitting quietly reading spiritual books seeking to hear His voice. Let me tell ya, if you want to be the best person possible, being, SPEND TIME ALONE WITH GOD GETTING TO KNOW HIM FOR YOURSELF.
