That was my daughters and me CONFRONTING my hubby yesterday! He’s EXCELLENT at giving us criticisms, but when it comes to telling us what he approves of, he’s pretty quiet.

That conversation began that morning when I had an appointment with God and the words starving for love appeared, and I confessed that this use to be me. That I was unsure if he loved me, but I’ve gotten over that insanity now, but our daughters need to know that their dad loves and approves of them.

Surprisingly, he listened. I know this was difficult for him to be so open about his feelings (a real tough African man he is!) but he did, and I was super proud. I told him, though, for me, he shows his love every day: HE COMES HOME TO HAVE DINNER WITH ME AND OUR SONS. This one gesture shows me his deep, deep love and respect. I’m the one telling him to go and hang out sometimes. Even more reason why I want him to have his BBQ with his friends without my Presence around. As Pope Francis taught me, “LOVE TRUSTS, IT SETS FREE.”

Can we all be more open and communicating to our loved ones how much they mean to us? Not just through words, but also our actions. Hubby demonstrates his love for us by coming home and just choosing to be with us. Even if I’m not hungry, I say to myself, ‘Nik, eat! To have a husband who wants to have dinner with you is a HUGE BLESSING that should not be taken for granted.

Also, I’ve decided that even if I’m upset with him about something, it ends there at that dinner. No more going to bed angry. This is where I want us with everyone! Always taking the high road with God – loving extravagantly, forgiving endlessly and determined to be HAPPY, LIGHT, with a FUN sense of humor every day. The God who loves and support us is counting on us to share His love with the world. Wink! Wink!

But speaking of those criticisms from hubby, can you believe me and my daughter, Julie, are THANKING HIM FOR BEING TOUGH ON US. He used to make us both so upset with his comments about our weight. But, instead of getting bitter, we got better. I now eat much healthier, and my exercise is on every day, whether I feel like it or not! Keep the criticisms coming, my boo, YOU MAKE US BETTER!!!

God, thank You for Your love and support always. May we never take any of your blessings for granted, especially our loved ones. Amen.