Someone commented to me yesterday. They’ve noticed all the changes in me since returning from my “wilderness experience” of being away from Nigeria for three months without kids, hubby and close friends.
Honestly, I feel different. I’m happier, calmer, not worried about anything, not so distracted and truly feeling like I’m God’s girl. And of course, I want you all here with me where we’re trusting God infinity percent, LAYING ALL OUR AFFAIRS IN HIS HANDS.
“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.” – Mottos for Success
In fact, I want us to the point that we’re thanking God for all our problems because we know that God will use them to teach us valuable lessons that He would have us to learn and to grow us up so that we’re mature not lacking anything.
That’s exactly what I’m doing with a big challenge I’m dealing with now. I’m open to everything that God is teaching me with it, most importantly knowing that it is He and I are handling it together. In my human mind, I think discouragement, but looking at it from God’s perspective I instead remind myself that nothing is too difficult for God. My most important job is to stick close to Him, listening as He directs me as to what He would have me do one step at a time. My new screensaver says:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13
But to tap into God’s voice and His infinite wisdom (He really does know everything!), we must not let life distract us from developing our relationship with Him. He must be our first love and priority!
Like I was telling this person yesterday, my wilderness experience showed me there were too many things getting between me and God from my natural hair fixation, my weight frustrations, constant Facebook check-ins, obsessing over how to control other people and situations, negative thinking, and constant worrying, just to name a few! LOL!
What’s distracting you from God? He has the best plans for our lives, but without learning His voice, we miss out on his important direction. I want a closer walk with Him and to remember Him in every moment asking, “God, what should I do here? And here? And here?”
This may sound easy, but it’s extremely difficult. Like in the heat of an argument with hubby last night about a work-related issue, I was reminded that love is not rude and again in an appointment with God this morning I was reminded that my job is to assist my hubby (super wife all the way!), not make everything go my way. Super tough sometimes, but God’s ways are always the best. He has wonderfully led me to a beautiful life.
Commit to some form of a spiritual practice every day where you spend some time connecting with God. I love my meditation book Jesus Always by Sarah Young, and I highly recommend it! I’m learning new stuff about God! Heehaw!