Forget getting bitter- get BETTER AND CLOSER TO GOD!!! That’s the wisdom I’m certainly learning from Him. People’s ways may be unfair with us, but let me tell ya, God’s ways are more than fair. In every moment He’s doing like 10,000 things for us that we’re unaware of. So, I take my place firmly on God’s shoulders (I’m His girl!) and I forget everything else. With His eyes of love always looking at me, I look lovingly back at Him asking what He would have me to do.
And to be very honest with you, God’s love is all that we need anyway. Yesterday morning, I woke up and immediately said, ‘Good morning, God.’ But because that sounded too generic/impersonal, I quickly corrected myself, ‘Good morning, My Love.’ Then fast forward to late on that day, I ran out of internet and decided to spend some time alone with God while I waited for some internet credit to reload. Can you believe I continued reading from where I had last left off in my meditation book, to read this as if God Himself was speaking directly to me:
“You will live with love. You will never leave love. And when you call Me, you will no longer say, ‘My God’ but, ‘My Love.’ And this will be the reality.” – He and I
This is my reality – I’m living with God’s love in every moment. I rejoice in knowing that I’m a beloved child of God. And so are you!!! God knows every thought we think and He’s familiar with all our ways. He goes to the trouble to orchestrate these intimate love moments between us. In fact, all the moments of my life are planned by Him – the good, bad and ugly because at the end of the day, they are ALL from His loving hands. Whatever God wants for us cannot but be good for us, including disappointments.
Sometimes we need to get rid of cherished hopes and dreams (nobody’s perfect!) that are not in alignment with God’s will for us, and we need to take a new and fresh perspective on things. God knows best. Finish. His ways are beyond what we can even imagine, but to get to our Promised Lands, we will INDEED have to go through some valleys.
But in those low times, He’s working on us. He’s bringing us closer to Him. He’s strengthening our faith. He’s teaching us His voice so that we learn what it is He would have us to do.
And there is nothing better than a life CLOSE to God. Don’t be fooled! I want us allowing all the disappointments and frustrations that come our way to PUSH us closer to Him. We can happily shake them off and relax at God’s feet knowing what was meant for evil is used by God for our good! Amen!