That’s my testimony FOR SURE! Today, I had to hug and kiss my daughters, Ember and Julie, goodbye as they left on a school trip out of the country. For months we’ve been on this roller coaster with their dad as to whether they would go or not. But I’ve used it as an opportunity to teach them some important life lessons:

1- You earn respect, no one gives it to you. They ran with this advice to impress their father. They stepped up in their school work, responsibilities at home, and overall in their character we could see them trying to be the best versions of themselves. Respect earned, my girls!

2- God is our Boss!!! Anytime hubby would get on the they’re not going bandwagon, I reminded the girls that the final decision was in God’s hand. We’re to give Him our best in everything. Everything is between God and us, not between us and anyone else. We’re to be our kindest, most loving, hardworking, and beautiful selves knowing God is the One to reward us.

3- “Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.” Sometimes they would get pessimistic and think worst case scenario, but I would constantly remind them, “We’re expecting the best from God!” Great reminder for all of us!

And let me tell ya, the whole experience has brought my daughters and me closer to God. He has once again EXCEEDED our expectations! God is amazing!

This morning, I woke up a little bit sad because I’m already missing them. They’re not only my daughters, they’re my close friends (SMILE), and I love our intense and intimate conversations and how we sharpen one another; Very wise girls I have! Last week, I had sent a message to someone traveling with them:

“The name of my blog is We Roll With God so I know His Presence will go with you guys.”

And as I opened my meditation book first thing this morning, God confirmed my belief:

“ENTRUST YOUR LOVED ONES TO ME (God); release them to My protective care…My Presence will go with them wherever they go, and I will give them rest.” – Jesus Calling

For me to open directly to this message from Him was no coincident! This is another LOVE NOTE from God to remind me of His intimate involvement in my life, even as far as taking care of my daughters as I release them over to His care.

God, I believe in Your love. You’re FAITHFULNESS is my COMFORT as I travel through this trouble-filled world, holding Your hands super tight. Amen.