I can’t get over how I run to my God tree every morning feeling so overwhelmed, heavy, burdened, and anxious by everything I have on my plate to tackle these days. Yet, on my way back home, after having some alone time with God, I’m light, happy dancing, and filled with peace and God’s love. This is God’s invitation

“HOW???” was the critical question I was asked today on Facebook when I wrote that we should get to know God a little bit better every day. That “how?” is my assignment from God to teach you guys how I experience Him so that you would begin feeling His invisible Presence with you.

Like this morning, even with everything on my plate, I said I must finish my blog postings to my Facebook groups. I went to one of the groups, and someone asked in a post, “What’s the meaning of FATHER OF LIES?” I ended up discussing this with my son, Joshie, how the devil is the “Father of Lies.” Fast forward about an hour later, I’m under the God tree, and just using the scroll key to randomly select something to read from Jesus Calling (my fav meditation book!), asking God what He had to say to me, look what incredibly showed up:

“Remember that the evil one is the FATHER OF LIES (Wink! Wink!).”

God unbelievably got involved with that conversation!!! I call this a God wink when everything lines up a little bit too perfect to be some random coincidence, but God Himself revealing a glimmer of His invisible Presence. I freaked out feeling so loved and blown away by God’s personal attention to me. For all the posts for me to see on Facebook asking that peculiar question, to me just randomly scrolling and selecting this day of 365 days in this devotional, was everything aligning just too perfect. It was all orchestrated by God Himself to remind me that He is with me in every moment of my life. And He is with you too!!!

I loved another God wink after I wrote this in yesterday’s post:

“Like Moises (our business manager) had even abandoned me for a little bit, but now I thank him for leaving. If I’m honest, he was a crutch holding me up, and when he walked out, I had to learn to stand firm on my own. With hubby gone, that left me leaning on God and God alone, and let me tell ya, THERE IS NO PLACE I’LL RATHER BE. Moises and hubby leaving turned out to be the best thing! I’m going to new levels of closeness with God!!! I had to boss up and boss up fast!”

Fast forward two hours later, I decided to spend time with God while eating my dinner. I started at July 11 of the same devotional, Jesus Calling, written as if God is speaking to me. After writing that I was left LEANING ON GOD, look what God had to say to me:

“I WANT YOU TO LEAN ON (Wink! Wink!), trust, and be confident in Me. When you lean on Me for support, I delight in your trusting confidence.”

Again, this lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence. It was God AGAIN with a special message for His girl here, letting me know He is PERSOANLLY involved in my life! And this awareness of God’s Presence is what I want us all feeling! That we are not going through life alone. God gives us the love, joy, and peace to not just endure our lives, but enjoy them KNOWING HE IS BY OUR SIDE THROUGH EVERYTHING WE GO THROUGH. That’s faith baby!

But notice that both of these God winks came when I took time to ask God, “What do you have to say to me?” I was silent, and He spoke. So, that’s an essential part of the “HOW???” learning to spend alone times with God, seeking His face by reading or listening to anything spiritual. As you seek Him, trust me, you will find Him! A love out of this world! Don’t miss out! Our help comes from the Lord!!!