HOW TO DEAL WITH THE WEEDS (FRUSTRATING SITUATIONS) OF OUR LIVES (REPOST)This is how I do it. I imagine that I’m going through life with God. There’s an imaginary yoke (a wooden bar used for joining animals) that ties God and me together. Whenever a situation gets too much for your girl here, and it weighs me down, I know automatically that I’m taking too much of the burden on myself. I then take whatever it is that is frustrating me and stressing me out and say, ‘HERE, GOD, THIS IS FOR YOU TO HANDLE, PLEASE.’ I then continue going through life happy, joyful, and at peace, TRUSTING God to do what I cannot do.That’s why I say GOD IS OUR GREATEST FRIEND. He is super wonderful and cool like that and READY to take on whatever worries and burdens we have to give Him. This yoke that I referred to is sweet and light. He never gives us too much to carry. He does not create us and then says, ‘Good luck with this life thing.’ He unbelievably wants to be a part of our lives helping and guiding us on the best paths. However, we must get Him involved. Even in the messiest of situations. He. Is. There. Ready to help us.Our part is to be the best of our ability in every moment with our eyes fixed on God seeking to please Him BEING OUR MOST LOVING SELVES. Sometimes that calls for us to pretend we don’t see what we see or hear what we hear. But that’s cool. I say, ‘OK, Boss!! I’m happy to do anything for You.’ Life is too short to be fighting useless and unnecessary battles, anyway. I leave them for God AND MOVE FORWARD HAPPILY.God has also TRULY been my greatest friend because He has helped me work not only on talking less (and trying to keep myself out of trouble!), but also with all the nonsense talking going on in my head all day. The Nik who was a professional at THINKING THE WRONG THINGS has gotten lots better. No alcohol needed, either!Like the reminder on my phone says- “Whatever is true, right, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” I take all the junk, negative, utter nonsense talk, and then look at the situation again from His perspective. It is super easy to complain and to tear ourselves and others down. But when I shine God’s light, I take all the complaints back, looking at the BIG picture with such gratitude. God, I’m sorry for complaining.And when I do this, I’m so much happier. I take on all the battles GOD WOULD HAVE ME TO FIGHT, with my whole heart giving my best in every moment ALL FOR HIS GLORY.