About my relationship with God! He is showing me such attention like never before! Like this 311 that I’ve been talking so much about lately is showing up everywhere. I have absolutely no doubt that it’s Him reminding me of His invisible Presence that is always with me AND His deep, unconditional love and approval. (HUGE SMILE)

Like on an early morning flight yesterday, placing our bags on the conveyor belt for security check, the tray directly ahead of us was labeled “311.” I took it as God saying, ‘I’m here on this trip with you guys! We get to our destination and the very gate we go to there are fire extinguishers about 20 feet apart lining the entire gate with of all numbers “311” at the top of every one of them. Imagine, an entire airport gate sprinkled with my 311! I felt like God’s special girl! This gave me such peace and joy knowing God’s Presence was out on this adventure with us.

Then yesterday, I wrote this:

God wants me to know how much He loves me. I try too hard to get my husband’s love and approval, and when he doesn’t give it to me the way I’m expecting, I’m crushed. God has been saying, ‘Nik, my love and approval are enough.’

Fast forward to like 1 hour later, I’m out under my God tree having an appointment with Him, and I randomly turn to this page of my book:

“It’s hard to comprehend how much God loves us because we are all used to human love, we had to behave properly, and we had to do certain things to keep our relationships with people going. People blow you off when you don’t do things to please them as we know that conditional love, it lets you down… With God kind of love, it’s totally different it’s awe-inspiring…May I be lifted above the pain of rejection, as I remember that who I really am cannot be rejected. May God’s acceptance mean more to me than the acceptance of any person, for it is based on my true worth. – A Year of Miracles

As if God was saying, ‘You’re getting it, my Nik! The real you, my girl, can never be rejected. I love you, and I approve of you!!!’ Despite that confirmation from God, I still ended up getting all sad when my husband bitterly complained of an area at our office that I’m not getting right in his eyes. I explained to him that I’m trying my best. I’m not him. I will make mistakes, but I try to learn and grow from them and be fair with people that help us. I asked him what about all the other areas that I get right, but he gets so focused on what I get “wrong.” (Same thing I do with him!!!) Then I remembered my appointment with God: May God’s acceptance mean more to me than the acceptance of any person, for it is based on my true worth. God loves us, and we have to keep His UNCONDITIONAL love at the forefront of our minds, not allowing our emotions to go up and down dependent on how others feel about us at any given moment. Kk?