That was my wonderful hubby threatening us the other day! And, boy oh boy, I was furious because he kept repeating it that he would ABANDON us if we didn’t go along with him in a particular decision. But, let me tell ya, God is so involved in the details of my life because that very morning, for my appointment with Him, He reminded me of such crucial values that He has been training me on this year:

– Loving everyone for both their strengths and their weaknesses

– To focus on what’s excellent, true, noble, and praiseworthy

– To be faithful, loyal, dependable, and trustworthy, no matter what anyone else was doing

– Forgiveness

– To be on chill (not taking anything too seriously)

– Patience

– Gentleness

– Be still and know that I am your God

Right after our fight, I went for a run with God. And like my brother said, these runs are where I get clarity and wisdom from God as to what He would have me to do. There I was venting to God, but the feeling from Him was that He wanted me to be silent and forgive hubs for his tongue that is like a razor at times. I said, ‘Ok, Boss!’ Then, a truck drove by with a license plate with one word on it: HUG. That was a wink from God because that’s our little code word for when I get in my crazy mode. I imagine God is hugging me! That HUG melted away all my frustrations!

“You owe us an apology!” I jokingly said to hubby when I got back. That was my way of making peace, giving him a kiss and a hug and telling him he is still the world’s best husband (he really is!). But God had something He wanted to say to me after hubby kept saying he was going to ABANDON us. This showed up at the end of a blog from a friend Charles who I haven’t heard from in years:

“The Bible says, “God has said, I will never leave you; I will never ABANDON (Wink! Wink!) you.”

This lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! It was God again revealing His invisible Presence with me even in the messiest of details. I promise you guys; it has been years since I’ve heard the person sending me that message. All perfectly timed by God to let me know He will never leave or abandon me! With such love from God, I even feel more love and committed to my hubby. Go figure! God increases my capacity to love and forgive, feeling so loved by Him no matter how many times I mess up.

I feel the purpose of life is to learn God’s voice and RIDE with Him on the best life adventure ever! Things won’t always be pretty and perfect, but I do promise a life of peace, love, joy, and strength that will help you go through anything. Will you commit to RIDING WITH GOD? To make Him the center of all your decisions as you journey through life with Him as your Partner and Guide.