Oh, my goodness! That was me singing to God on my morning run with Him up and down our stairs, and I don’t want you missing out on the best relationship EVER! I’ve surrendered my entire life to Him, and this morning He reminded me to be about enjoying Him more. So that run was more like a praise and dance session with me giving God such thanks for EVERYTHING He is doing for me. God, I’m incredibly grateful!

Hubby insisted I have breakfast with him and the boys, and I couldn’t refuse the best husband in the world. We had a big fuss the other day, and it turns it we needed the little hash out to come through it with even more of a love and commitment to each other. God’s ways are not our ordinary human ways; they’re so much better. He knows the experiences we need to get to the other side of where He would have us.

The boys and I spent a beautiful day with friends yesterday, AGAIN reminded of how blessed we are. God has guided our lives on the most beautiful path, including the best people. Even though we all may go through our tough times, there is still so much to be thankful for that we should not take anything for granted. Let’s be about loving extravagantly, forgiving endlessly, and rendering evil with good knowing our reward is with God.

How is your relationship with Him going? I promise, as you take one step closer to Him, he will take a hundred closer to you. My God wink of the day was thinking I needed some Comet cleaner to get our tub back looking white again, and like two hours later, I walked past a room that my husband happened to leave open, and there were 9 extra-large containers of the very Comet I wanted. It was a room where my sister in law had lots of stuff in storage, and after packing all the other things, they left behind these Comet cleaners that God knew would be special to me. Like He was saying, ‘Was this what you wanted for your tub, Nik?’ just hours after having that thought. The attention I get from God is too much! He’s my sweet thing…my everything! Even down to bathroom cleaner, He says, ‘Nik, I got you!’ Make Him your life partner, seeking His guidance in the 1,000 decisions you make every day continually asking, God, what would You have me to do here?