I attended a parent/teacher coffee morning at the kids’ school and I bragged to everyone on our well my daughters, Ember and Julie, are doing. I said, “They’re not my daughters anymore, they’re my Harvard girls!” This story began back in October of last year, when their former Principal decided to recognize the top performers in some continual assessment tests that had taken place the week before. In a very informal way, he called those students up to the stage and congratulated them. And this has started a healthy competition amongst the students like no other!

The Julie and Ember that I used to fight with to study, now want on their own to study! Late one night I walked pass Julie in the stairwell studying and she said mom, “I’m here because I need to studying and staying here is keeping me up.” At 1 am when I stayed up with them one morning, she asked, “Mom, is this what it takes to get into Harvard?” I said, “Yes, lots of studying and hard work!”

The school now also takes into account all their homework assignments when determining these top three students every couple of months or so, so I see them putting much more effort in all their work and super momma is super thrilled. Whether they get the award or not, in my eyes they’re improved tremendously and I’m happy to see my daughters learning discipline, hard work and excellence. Which we all should be addicted to!

So how does God fit into all of this? He’s my life Partner in every aspect. He’s behind the scenes and He’s coordinating everything and everyone to assist me, no matter the challenge I face. For this Principal to show up in Nigeria from the United Kingdom and for him to make this one decision that has changed the entire culture of the school has been amazing to watch. You’ve never seen kids so excited about tests and studying. The teachers are noticing an improvement in their performances and its now trending to be a top student and to study hard. Yayy!

Another Julie story in all of this is that one of the students in her class bragged that said she’s never gotten anything less than first place since third grade. My Julie said, “Mommy, by the end of this semester I plan to take that first place position from her!”

But I must say a BIG THANK YOU also to the owners of the school for building such a great place for my kids to learn and to all the teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication in helping me to raise these fantastically terrific kids.