Talking to a friend yesterday, I realized how much I’ve grown up over the past year or so. I was having a terrible day and I went crying to her. I said, “That sad, weak, insecure, emotional, Nikki, is gone!” I’ve replaced her with a confident, strong, stable, full of joy, steady and calm Nikki. So I totally get that life can get the best of you at times, but just how God has helped me, He can help you too.

Another friend gave me the best advice in going through that situation. She said, “Keep your focus on God.” That turned out to be the best advice ever! As I looked to God, He directed me on a moment by moment basis as to what to do. In the beginning, I got a feeling from Him in one of our alone times together to thank Him for this problem. I said, “God, how can I thank You for this?” But almost a year later I’m seeing how this whole mess was used by God to take me to a much higher level of happiness. The things I was worried about then, I’m not worried about anymore. Like I told this friend I have so much wonderful things going on in my life that I have to time to spend worried and upset. I’ve importantly learned to surrender/let go, handing over all worries to God and praying about them instead.

People will disappoint us and if we look to them for our peace and happiness, we’ll be forever disappointed. My mom asked me this week why someone seemed to be giving me the cold shoulder. I said I didn’t know why, but the Nikki that used to try and figure why people don’t like her is also gone. There are billions of people on the planet, so if some people don’t like me, I’m actually OK with that. I’m focused on running my own race, being the best person I can be and leaving others to do the same.

I thanked a friend this week for being such an inspiration to me and she said, “God is our inspiration!” Honestly, “What do we have that didn’t come from God?” In every moment God is doing like 10,000 things for us that we have no clue about. I’m learning to thank Him in every circumstance, trusting Him that even though I may not know why He’s taking me along some treacherous paths, if I stay with my focus on Him, staying on the high road, where I’m my most loving, merciful, forgiving, strongest, unflinching self, He will bring me through every difficulty better, wiser, happier and more peaceful than I was before it.

I will never stop talking about the appointments/alone times with God. As you seek Him, He will comfort you and strengthen you to handle anything with His incredible wisdom.