Said a good friend and customer to me yesterday evening. I replied, “God’s the Ultimate Magician who can make anything happen!” He and my husband were trying to persuade me to be more security conscious in Nigeria, but I’m sticking with my faith in God, He’s my security -“God may kill me, but still I will trust him.”

This friend and I always have these God conversations and I told him how God is intimately involved in all our moments and that He was right there with us right then. And this morning in my appointment with Him, God did confirm He was there with us! I was sitting outside, enjoying the morning sun and reading again from my Bible devotional of over 700 pages and I incredibly opened to the following:

“Scripture scholars tell us that Jesus came for an important mission – to proclaim the good news and make the Father known to the world. And because he did not want anything to distract Him from this primary mission, He had to dissuade people from turning Him into a MAGICIAN. His miracles were aimed at helping people to believe in the power and love of God, and not to take their eyes of the target.”

Seeing that word “magician” showing up and everything again lining up a little bit too perfect, was my God wink. I guess that’s why I’m not so concerned about my security because God is constantly reminding that His Presence goes with me wherever I go and He’s a part of every moment of my life. How sweet is that?

Here’s the deal:

Reading this has really encouraged me again with my life’s mission: To bring humanity closer to God, who loves us and is intimately involved our lives. We’re to fix our eyes on Him, not this world.

From one moment to the next, we don’t know what will come our way, but if we can pause, focus on God, He will help us with His wisdom to live the best life. That moment the night before in wanting to scream, but instead having an appointment with God, I saw things from His perspective and the crazy Nikki that wanted to make an appearance was sent away and I calmly dealt with the situation in a loving and peaceful manner, forgiving quickly and I was happier for it. God is teaching me the true definition of love which is not unmannerly!

And God’s wisdom is the best wisdom, so slow down and go to God in every decision. His ways are higher and better than our ways.

Thank you for loving us so much. Amen.



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