Forget getting bitter- get BETTER AND CLOSER TO GOD!!! That’s the wisdom I’m certainly learning from Him. People’s ways may be unfair with us, but let me tell ya, God’s ways are more than fair. In every moment He’s doing like 10,000 things for us that we’re unaware of. So, I take my place firmly on God’s shoulders (I’m His girl!) and I forget everything else. With His eyes of love always looking at me, I look lovingly back at Him asking what He would have me to do.

And to be very honest with you, God’s love is all that we need anyway. Yesterday morning, I woke up and immediately said, ‘Good morning, God.’ But because that sounded too generic/impersonal, I quickly corrected myself, ‘Good morning, My Love.’ Then fast forward to late on that day, I ran out of internet and decided to spend some time alone with God while I waited for some internet credit to reload. Can you believe I continued reading from where I had last left off in my meditation book, to read this as if God Himself was speaking directly to me:

“You will live with love. You will never leave love. And when you call Me, you will no longer say, ‘My God’ but, ‘My Love.’ And this will be the reality.” – He and I

This is my reality – I’m living with God’s love in every moment. I rejoice in knowing that I’m a beloved child of God. And so are you!!! God knows every thought we think and He’s familiar with all our ways. He goes to the trouble to orchestrate these intimate love moments between us. In fact, all the moments of my life are planned by Him – the good, bad and ugly because at the end of the day, they are ALL from His loving hands. Whatever God wants for us cannot but be good for us, including disappointments.

Sometimes we need to get rid of cherished hopes and dreams (nobody’s perfect!) that are not in alignment with God’s will for us, and we need to take a new and fresh perspective on things. God knows best. Finish. His ways are beyond what we can even imagine, but to get to our Promised Lands, we will INDEED have to go through some valleys.

But in those low times, He’s working on us. He’s bringing us closer to Him. He’s strengthening our faith. He’s teaching us His voice so that we learn what it is He would have us to do.

And there is nothing better than a life CLOSE to God. Don’t be fooled! I want us allowing all the disappointments and frustrations that come our way to PUSH us closer to Him. We can happily shake them off and relax at God’s feet knowing what was meant for evil is used by God for our good! Amen!



That was incredibly from my super son, Joshie, all day on Sunday, when my hubby had to leave out to attend to a critical work matter. He kept saying, “Let’s call daddy. Ask him when he is coming home!” I had to keep telling him that his father was busy, but will be back soon.

So, of course, it got my mind racing as to hubby’s whereabouts, but I said, ‘Devil you can’t have my joy today. If hubs said he’s at work, I must give him the benefit of the doubt.’ And after 17 years together, he has earned my loyalty, trust and respect. Instead of fretting or feeling sad about where he could be, I stayed in God’s Presence. I FOCUSED my attention on more urgent and crucial matters for the day, like spending time with my son, Emmie, studying. I enjoyed every moment with him during a one on one session. Super mamma here! Devil, I gots no time for you!


Staying in God’s Presence is learning to be alert to Him in every moment. When the devil wanted to knock me off my groove and discourage me, I quickly remembered to keep my eyes fixed on God, thinking the thoughts that He Himself would have me to think. ‘Nik, leave your hubby with Me (some battles we turn over to God (Wink! Wink!), and FOCUS on Emmie today.’ I felt God saying. Yes, Father! And I did exactly that! We had such a wonderful mother-son bonding experience that I kept praying and thanking God for my wonderful kids. I’m Nikki so Blessed for sure!

God is able to help us in every aspect of our lives through His incredible wisdom. Today, I’m focused on assisting hubby with a problem involving something I know nothing about. But I felt God directing me to contact a company that I located on Google. Just like always, I’m following God one step at a time, picking up cues from Him, listening to His voice and His nudges as to what to do. TRUST ME, GOD IS AN EXPERT IN EVERYTHING! The wiser Nik is sucking up to Him asking Him what He would have me say, do and go in every moment. His ways are always on point! And those who look to Him will never beg for bread! When I don’t listen to Him is when I run into trouble! But with Him backing us up, “Success” will be our names!”

Let’s stay in God’s Presence, seeking His guidance and being the MATURE, LOVING people He is calling us to be. I’m talking the best spouses and parents, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY!

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” God is our Boss!!!



Honestly, that’s how I’m feeling! God shows me such LOVE AND ATTENTION that I’m always blown away. I told my cook today, “I’m so spoilt!” I only had leftover mangoes from yesterday from our tree when I’ve grown accustomed to having fresh ones. Spoilt girl for sure!

But while talking with her, I saw a bird eating from our guava tree, and I remembered these verses from the Bible:

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” – Mathew 6:26-27, 32-34

And this is where I am with God. I trust that whatever I need will be provided for when I need it. Like I just had a conversation with two gentlemen who I have no doubt were sent by God to help me. Even one day when I thought I was on my own to handle something urgently, they showed up. So, whenever I see them, I’m reminded of God’s love for me. They came to our business for help fixing their car, and we ended up hiring them. There were the feelings of peace that I look for from God when making any decision. It was as if God Himself said, ‘Yes, Nik, hire them.’ And they’ve guided and help us so much. God, we’re grateful.

Have you invited God to be a part of your life in every moment? Just start paying attention to your intuition/gut/feelings. He is always speaking once you get to know His voice. The day my husband asked me to meet these gentlemen, I was FLOODED with feelings of peace. And those feelings led us to make a GREAT decision. On the other hand, the person they replaced, always gave me feelings of frustration, drama, confusion, and stress. That was God saying, ‘Fire him!’




This life is FULL of disappointments, let me tell ya! But the way God shows up to comfort and guide me through them, makes up for all the letdowns the world may throw my way. Like late last night, He had this to say to me through my meditation book, He and I (written as if He is speaking to me):
“If you only knew what compassion really is—the compassion you must strive to imitate! Overlooking everything to stoop to a heart’s needs, paying no attention to any disappointments or ingratitude, BEING EVEN KINDER TO THOSE WHO HAVE HURT YOU. Just be your Christ for them. If you make this your intention I’ll be seen in you.”
God knows every thought I think, and He is the only one who knows how I’ve been feeling. So, for this to show up was Him giving me specific directions as to how He would have me moving forward. I simply smiled with Him as He took away all the hurt I’ve been feeling. ‘Yes, Boss. Anything for You. I will let everyone see You in me.’
Will you give God the joy of inviting Him to be a part of your life? He loves when we involve Him in our every day, ordinary lives. I just had a great talk with my daughter, Julie, about pausing and seeking God’s input before she makes any decision. I said if you feel excited, at peace and not stressed when you think about going in a particular direction, that’s God saying it’s OK. However, if you’re uneasy, stressed, uptight and NOT at peace when you think about doing something, that’s God saying, ‘DON’T DO THAT!!!’ And all day, we can go to Him for His input before we make any move. He loves us that much!!!
He has NEVER disappointed me! The times I don’t seek His guidance are the times I regret. He has beautifully guided my life on the best path. I’m God’s spoilt girl over here. So when He tells me to overlook, I’m Mrs. Overlooker!! (SMILE) Living my BEST life with God, baby!


I complained to God. It’s an ongoing issue that has become my cross, and He is helping me to carry it joyfully (most of the time!). I love that I can go to Him in all my terrible moments and look at things from His Almighty perspective. He had me reread this prayer:
”O God! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I WILL NOT DWELL ON THE UNPLEASANT THINGS OF LIFE. “
And speaking of being FULL of anxiety, that was me yesterday, and I immediately RAN to Him. I reread some old posts, including my fav lately:
“Come to me all you who labor and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, here you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
She (a priest) called our attention to the image of the yoke, a wooden bar or frame by which two draft animals such as oxen are joined at the heads or necks for working together. She said she could imagine Jesus (God) already wearing the yoke and inviting us to let Him be our Partner as we bear our burdens together with Him. She said when things get harder (and they will get harder) Jesus (God) would not let his side of the yoke go.
I loved this part so much that I listened to it repeatedly, imagining God and I clasped together with this piece of wood holding our heads together. I especially loved it because now I’m WISELY learning to let God lead the direction we go in, on a moment by moment basis. It’s not always easy, and at times it takes serious DISCIPLINE not to be the crazy, drama Nik who wants to make an appearance. But God’s ways always lead me to make the utmost best decisions no matter the tough situation. I never regret following His leading, even when He takes me out of my comfort zone on some treacherous paths.”
Are you going to God in your sad, frustrating, painful, anxious and other awful moments? Let’s bear all our burdens with Him.


Yesterday I was headed out for a little get together with the kids when I went to my husband’s office to say goodbye to him before leaving. While there, he had some challenges with something important we’re working on and I had to have another conversation with God: Do I say, ‘Sorry, sweetie, but you’re on your own with this!’ Or do I strive to be the faithful, supportive wife?’ The feeling from Him was to forget the party and help out hubby. And the kids went ahead without me!

Just an example of how I try to get God involved in every decision I make, always seeking to be the best person He would have me to be. Like I ALWAYS say, everything is between God and us and not between us and anyone else. Whether my husband is the worst husband or the best husband, my job is to SEEK God’s guidance on what HE would have me to do, and be obedient to Him. Full stop. Period.

This is the way to a life specially guided by God! Continually going to Him and paying attention to where our spirit/gut/intuition is leading us on a moment by moment basis.

Like I wanted to give up the posts for a little bit to focus on some other things for a while, but of course, asking God first as to what He would have me to do. Well, He answered me. Firstly, it was this morning asking my daughter, Julie, to have an appointment with God with me and of all the books I have on my phone for us to read together, she says to me, “Actually, mom, I just like reading your posts on Instagram.”

Then I go to see a client today and as soon as I arrived the receptionist says, “I just finished reading your post about your niece.” All God’s way of saying, ‘Nik, the posts must continue!” And I say, “Of course, Boss!’

God is always communicating with us, and I want us genuinely living in our God space we’re always giving our best, all for His glory! Being our most loving, forgiving, loyal, patient, diligent, going the extra mile selves. He’s with us in EVERY moment, guiding and directing us. That’s if we choose to listen and PAY ATTENTION.

I loved a God wink yesterday when I said to a customer who’s a bit anxious, “Stop stressing; GOD IS IN CONTROL,” and like an hour later, as I finally headed out to the party to meet up with the kids, a vehicle passed me with a bumper sticking saying, “GOD IS IN CONTROL.” Wink! Wink! As if God Himself was saying, ‘Nik, I am!’ When once again everything lined up STRANGELY too perfectly with God sweetly reminding me that He really is always with me and apart of EVERY conversation, every moment of my life.