FACEBOOK FRIEND: Nikki, I love watching your videos, they truly are wonderful in a spiritual way! But I am so frustrated sometimes with how you always have to forgive this husband of yours! I am an advocate for women, and so many times I find myself wanting to scream! It seems like he is always letting you down, hurting your heart, or just not being a good husband. My question is, do you think God wants you to suffer this much hurt?
ME: YUP! God does. Even in the middle of the night, He asked me to suffer for Him. He said that all suffering has meaning in His kingdom and that I must take the cross from Jesus and continue carrying it. I read Pope Francis’ book yesterday and written there was another confirmation that I’m to reflect God’s love to my husband. That’s what marriage is about, combining Divine and human love together. Not easy, but I’m doing it for God and my family.
And God confirmed my belief! In my last post, I wrote:
“Our job is reflecting the GOD IS LOVE CHARACTER wherever we go and in whatever we do.”
Fast forward about two hours later, trying to wrap my head around some messy marriage stuff, this message showed up in my appointment with God:
“Marriage is a precious sign… God is, as it were, mirrored in them; he impresses in them his own features and the indelible CHARACTER OF HIS LOVE.” – Pope Francis
This was no coincident! This was God revealing His Presence, wrapping His arms around me and letting me know He AGREES with me. I actually pulled out four different meditation books and ended up reading THAT one and THAT page. I took it as a BIG HUG FROM GOD. He knows the worst about us but still loves us unconditionally. We’re to do the same for others. Got that?!?
When my husband is weak, I’m to be the strong one for the family and VICE VERSA. Despite mistakes and failures, we’re to forgive and grow and mature together – ’til death do us part, baby!
So, I’m not stupid or crazy, I’m just someone who has dedicated her life to God and who seeks to be obedient to Him in every moment. NOT EASY, but so worth it! My sons just came to join me as I type this and we’re off to continue studying for the ALL A HONOUR ROLL. God Himself rewards me when I’m obedient to Him! His blessings are out of this world! Everything is between Him and me, not between me and anyone else. I will continue to be the glue that holds my family together, ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY. AMEN! Superhero style, baby! Wink! Wink!


Woohoo! I NEEDED this reminder from 1 Corinthians 2:9 today! This is the reason why I’m NOT turning into crazy lady, and I’m focusing instead on doing what I feel God Himself would have me to do: Nik, be the calm and wise woman I’m training you to be. ‘Yes, Father. Anything to please You!’

Super tough to be OBEDIENT to God, but this is how He leads us through the Holy Spirit to the beautiful path He planned out for us even before we were even born. I don’t know about you, but I’m living my God dream to the fullest DESPITE the junk the devil wants to throw my way. Devil, I ain’t got no time for you, I’m too busy living my best life with God.

And I want the world here with me, seeking to LISTEN and be OBEDIENT to God and His voice within each of us, keeping our FOCUS on Him despite the negativity surrounding us. We forgive and forget remembering God is our audience. And we know ALL things are possible with Him on our side fighting our battles for us in the spiritual realm. Our job is reflecting the GOD IS LOVE character wherever we go and in whatever we do. Don’t let the devil take us off our God designed path!!!

I’m having the best conversations with my kids these days. With my FOCUS on God, I can look forward to me and my husband attending their college graduations, marriages, the birth of our grandkids and all the other marvelous things God has planned out.

Therefore, no matter the negative situation, I want us believing God’s voice, not the lies of the devil. With us HOPING for the best, expecting the best and working towards the best, we do what we can, and we leave the rest with God. Wink! Wink!




I said to my daughters yesterday. I don’t want to say something I might later regret, so I posted an old blog, which had this at the very end:

“I loved our family’s appointment with God today that we should go as far as praying and asking God for help in learning to forgive and love the difficult people in our lives. I CAN’T GET OVER HOW HE HAS CERTAINLY HEALED MY LITTLE BROKEN HEART!”

Fast forward to maybe an hour later and still in my messed-up mood from ANOTHER BROKEN HEART (LOL), I finally opened up my meditation book to see what God had to say to me, and unbelievably I opened to this powerful message from Him:

“STAY CLOSE TO ME (GOD) as I work on mending your BROKEN HEART. Of course, your repaired heart will not be exactly as it was before, but in some ways it will be much better. Your renewed heart—stripped of its cherished hopes—will have more space for Me.” – Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Woohoo! Yes, please God, I want more of You!!!

This was another one of my God winks where everything lines strangely too perfectly. For me to pick that old post of all the thousands of them I’ve written, and for me to open to THAT page in a book of over 700 pages and even to read THAT book of all my meditation books was God coming down and wrapping His arms around my BROKEN HEART and letting me know that He’s with me.

I will never get over the sweetness of God and how He will find some way to orchestrate something so that I’d know His invisible Presence is ALWAYS with me. The hurts and disappointments will always be there too, but at least with God’s Presence, I can calmly and manly handle them. With my eyes fixed on Him, I can go the extra mile in love, ALL FOR HIS GLORY. 

Are you making your relationship with God a priority? He sometimes leads us down some extremely difficult paths and asks us to make some tough decisions, but when we follow His leading being our best, most loving and forgiving selves, trusting Him with all our hearts and that He would be the One to pay us back for any wrongs, He guides us on the path to the best life. Wink! Wink!



A Facebook friend asked me one day! I replied, “No, not in the normal sense, but I do consider myself the daughter of the King of Kings – God, so that makes me royal in His Kingdom, right?” And let me tell ya, God MAKES ME FEEL LIKE ROYALTY with all the love and attention I receive from Him ON A DAILY BASIS. No matter the challenges, disappointments, hurts, and frustrations that come my way, He’s always there helping and guiding me. He hasn’t disappointed me yet, and I know He’s not about to start now! I’m staking my entire life on God, and I want you here with me!


I’m living the dream! He has beautifully guided my life, and I don’t want you guys to miss out! Jeremiah 29:11 says:


But the devil is always looking to distract us and take us away from God and His grand plans for us. When we allow bitterness, hurt, anger, grudges, feelings of being mistreated and offended, envy, rejection, jealousy, and sadness take root, we’re letting the devil in. We’ve given him entry into our lives and have allowed him to take us away from God’s perfect guidance and direction. The Bible says, “God is love,” and whenever we move away from being our most loving and forgiving selves, we move away from God’s direction and His excellent plans!

I confessed to my hubby today how I was feeling last week, and how the devil had me believing all the lies he was putting in my head, but that this week I’m back to being the super proud wifey. I told him how I was looking at him work yesterday with such love in my heart asking myself how I could’ve been so silly. God has melted away all those nonsense thoughts and replaced them with lots of love. I’m looking forward to every day of our future together, LIVING OUR BEST LIVES WITH GOD!

So, regularly catch yourself when you’re allowing the devil in with thoughts of revenge, bitterness, unforgiveness, and sadness and immediately switch back to God’s ideas of love, kindness, forgiveness and FAITH. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES!!! I’m not going to let anyone keep me away from God’s blessings, baby!

I loved our family’s appointment with God today that we should go as far as praying and asking God for help in learning to forgive and love the difficult people in our lives. I can’t get over how He has certainly healed my little broken heart!



Asked a customer when I told him that we were having a BBQ. I replied, “We’re celebrating the glory of God where every day is a celebration with Him!” That’s my attitude, baby! Every day is a celebration with God when we focus on His BLESSINGS.

God got me all emotional today while exercising. I had placed the music on shuffle and said to God that He was my DJ. When the song, ‘I Gotta Be’ played, I stopped and just held my hand in the air, praising Him. I believe it’s God singing these words to me and you:

“I gotta be the One you love
I gotta be the One you feel
And I gotta be the One to fill your life with sunshine”

Let me tell you guys a secret: I LOVE DISAPPOINTMENTS!!! Because any disappointment is fuel and motivation for me to get CLOSER to God. That’s why I got so emotional when I heard that song play. After a BIG disappointment this week, I felt this coming up in my exercise playlist was God’s way of reminding me,

Nik, “I gotta be the One you love
I gotta be the One you feel
And I gotta be the One to fill your life with sunshine”

And when my eyes are focused on Him, who cares about the little disappointments! God has FILLED my life with such sunshine that all day long I’m just saying, ‘God, Thank YOU!’ This part of the song, I sing to Hi,:

“Is this real, what I feel
Could it be you and me till the end of time
Take my heart, hold it tight, its true love.”

And with God holding my heart, NOBODY CAN HURT ME. I shake off the frustrations, and I fix my eyes on God asking what He would have me to do in every moment.

I called hubs to say I was coming to the office to study with the kids and he said, “Come, I’ll grill fish for you.” I smiled with God, ‘You have filled my life with sunshine!’ Wink! Wink! As I type this, I’m eating the most delicious fish ever! Let’s reflect His love in everything we do and say, going the extra mile in forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, mercy, and faithfulness.



I loved reading this in an appointment with God yesterday with my daughter, Ember. We were taking a break from organizing inventory at our office. This was also a reminder to include me in that fresh start. I was beating up myself all that day that our stock had gotten to such a disorganized state, and I was not aware of it.
Quite frankly, in looking back, I was thinking about the wrong things. The worries, insecurities, frustrations, disappointments, sadness, and fears had gotten the best of me. But today is a new day and like my wise sister taught me, “When you know better, you do better!” So, today I’m in my sneakers, jeans and office shirt with no make-up because I’m joining the crew in Operation Get Inventory Organized.
Again, I’m aiming to be the best in everything I do! No crying over what’s happened in the past. I’m giving the world and myself a fresh start!
Glory to God for His unbelievable help in all of this! From helping me to see my life more clearly and where I’ve been getting it wrong. The most important job I have from Him is to be my most loving and forgiving self in every situation and experience. From that loving perspective, I can then respond to whatever comes my way from a calm, gentle and forgiving spirit asking God to direct my thoughts and actions on a moment by moment basis.
The fasting has been a tremendous help. It is teaching me to catch myself when my mind wants to get caught up in thinking about the wrong things and to have the discipline to change my thoughts. Like John Joseph taught me, once you can control the tongue, which fasting is showing me, I can train the rest of my body, including my mind.
Now, instead of negative, cluttered thinking, my mind is thinking all the higher things of life and learning to LOVE EVERY MOMENT. Yesterday that meant with all the work, jamming our fav music and making it a fun and enjoyable exercise. That’s how we do!
“Today, and every day is a beautiful day simply because God made it.”


That was me to my super daughter, Ember, a few minutes ago. She was telling me how she plans on improving herself and said, “No, mommy, I want to develop a new MINDSET.” When she said “MINDSET,” I immediately rushed back to the calendar God speaks to me through. Five minutes before our conversation, I had read:

“In order to effectively fulfill your mission, you need to embrace new MINDSETS and outlooks that will help you personally change.”

AGAIN, NO COINCIDENT! This was another one of my God winks when out of the blue everything lined up strangely too perfectly. What are the chances of me reading about embracing a new mindset in this 365-day calendar, and five minutes later my daughter tells me about her new mindset? I thought she was playing me at first, but when I rushed back and saw that calendar, I knew she was genuine, and most importantly it assured me of God’s Presence with our family. The verse at the end even confirmed this:

“The Lord is NEAR to all who call upon Him.” – Psalm 145:18

I had brought this calendar to my desk earlier today because I felt I needed to hear from God through it, and He didn’t disappoint! And strangely enough, I did a video on the new mindset I’m learning from David Goggins. I had spent 2 hours with him on Tuesday for my appointment with God watching his appearance on the Rich Roll podcast to promote his book, ‘Can’t Hurt Me.’ And another 2 hours the following day with my daughters watching it AGAIN. I picked up that instead of getting angry when bad things happen to us, we can have a different mindset by turning that anger into fuel to motivate us to be better with a Can’t Hurt Me attitude.

So, it turns out God was preparing me for a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT yesterday night. And what did your girl do? Instead of getting angry, I went directly into Can’t Hurt Me mode turning that anger into fuel to stay up late studying with my daughters who both are striving for ALL A Honour Roll, baby, and to spend some time alone with God to get my MINDSET on what HE would have me to be thinking about.

Are you always obedient to God? I knew He would have me to forgive and show mercy, and to refocus my energies into more positive things. And I did exactly that. I feel this calendar was Him saying, ‘I saw your new mindset, Nik, and the way you calmly dealt with that situation! I’m super proud of you, My girl!’ Thanks, My love! Anything to please You, let me learn!

And that right there is the way to living YOUR BEST LIFE WITH GOD! I will move JOYOUSLY FORWARD with Him as my Guide. Amen.



I had an appointment with God, and it made me feel terrible that I had said I would have an hour alone with Him every day and I haven’t been consistent. I had said to God I would like a nice, quiet spot to have our times together, and VOILA, my husband buys us a new sofa set for our bedroom. And despite all this comfort, I would let life distract me from God. Right then and then, after that book reminded me of this, I committed again to my appointments with God. I thought, ‘Just how my exercise s a must every day, so will be my one hour with God!’

Maybe like 20-30 minutes later, I decided to read from the new book I’m working on of compiling these daily posts, and unbelievably look what showed up on the very page I randomly scrolled to:

“I’ve decided to make Him a BIGGER priority this year! Just how I wake up and say my exercise is a must, well, my time with God is a must! I will discipline myself to spend one hour with Him every morning reading my meditation books and asking what He has to say to me.”

No coincident! Like God took me DIRECTLY to that section of my book where I had written what I had JUST THOUGHT in my head less than 30 minutes prior! God couldnt have gotten more specific than that: ‘YES, NIKKI, I WANT TO SPEND TIME ALONE WITH YOU EVERY DAY!!!” What kind of a love is this? Who am I that God wants to spend time with little old me. I took it has Him saying, Nik, it would be My honour and privilege to spend time with you. On that note, the appointments went up to two hours a day!!!

Today, He spoke to me CLEARLY through David Goggins. He nailed on the head so many issues that I need to work on. Like this wanting to please people. David said he has gotten over that and now says, “If you don’t like me, pick a number and get to the back of the line.” I second that, David! I want my focus on God and whether people like me or understand me and what my life’s purpose is about, is not my business. God is my audience, and I want to be the unique, best and authentic version of the Nik He has created me to be. No more trying to play a character that people will accept and approve of. I gots to do me!

And that right there is what time alone with your Creator can do for ya! Do you have alone times with Him? His love is ENOUGH!! And His wisdom to guide our lives is always ASTONISHING!

“May no one surpass us in our desire for holiness.”