That was some excellent advice to me and the girls yesterday from our neighbor who invited us to church with her. On the drive there, I asked her about a little disagreement the girls and I were having about a football game that I said no to them going. She said the US is a country where it’s very easy to get distracted, but we must stay focused as to why we came here.

Later on that afternoon, I brought their dad into the conversation after I felt they were double-teaming me. We had a crucial family conference call with him in Nigeria and he explained that this separation is a big sacrifice for us and we set some ground rules to be followed in regards to social outings.

This morning, driving to school, with both of the girls extremely upset at me, I asked them to read an appointment with God. I looked at the dashboard of the car and picked 120 from the speedometer. Can you believe God even got in on our family discussion? Ember had started reading devotional 120 from another book, but quickly switched to our Rick Warren’s A Purpose Driven Life For Kids. This unbelievably showed up:

“You are sick and tired of your parents’ rules (precisely my daughters this weekend!). They just don’t understand you. When you don’t understand something that God or your parents ask you to do, talk it over with God. Vent your frustration. Don’t hold it in; otherwise you might run away and wind up in a stinking mess.
Prayer: God, why are there so many rules at home, at school and at church? It seems like rules, rules, rules are everywhere. I know they are supposed to help and protect me, but I need faith to believe that’s true.”

And that right there is another one of my God winks, where everything lines up a little bit too perfectly. It shows God’s intimate involvement in our lives. I’m telling you, in every aspect, He has been the Captain and Guide of my ship, including parenting. This number 120 that I randomly picked was all Him letting me know that His invisible Presence is with me in every moment of my life. The strange thing was that Ember was to drive today, but because of the rain, she asked me. So, me looking down at the dashboard and picking 120 from there, was all lovingly orchestrated by God. Is He the Captain and Guide of your ship?



That was me to my daughter, Julie, before sleeping last night. Everything I said I was going to do, I haven’t done. I just laze out watching TV! I’m so pitiful! Five minutes after feeling like a total bum, God spoke to me through my meditation book:

“Even when you feel good for nothing, give Me this nothing. Didn’t I create with nothing?” – He and I

Awww! Is God sweet or what? I’m talking the perfect message for me to read after beating myself up to my daughter:

“Even when you feel good for nothing, give Me this nothing. Didn’t I create with nothing?”

And that’s the love I’ve gotten to know from Him, even at my lowest moments, He shows up with such attention to let me know He’s with me. The book continued:

“All I ask of you is the will to give yourself to Me at all times, in cloud or sunshine. And I’ll take you into the happy Upper Room of My servants and My friends.”

God, I will do my best! This morning that meant going to church with a neighbour. ‘Mom, why are we going?’ one of the girls asked. I said I feel God asking me to go. And I was thrilled that we did. The Pastor spoke directly to me about my laziness, procrastinating, and wasting of time (the queen of Netflix over here!). I even went to the altar to rededicate my life to Him and to continue striving to be the person He has called me to be and not so distracted.

But despite not taking my work for God seriously as I had hoped to on this break from boys and my husband, the most important thing has happened, though: I’ve gotten closer to Him! I’m finding Him show up in the tiniest of details. I’m feeling Him stronger in my spirit. Like trying to explain to the girls why we were going to church today, I just felt Him asking me to go. Like do this for Me, please, Nik. And after He has exceeded my expectations in every aspect of my life, I was happy to oblige. God, anything for You.

A life lived close to God is really the best. His ways are so much better than our ordinary human ways. Are you ready to dedicate your life to Him? For me that means focusing back on Him with my alone times for at least 30 minutes a day reading my meditation books asking, ‘God, what do You have to say to me right now?’ Then, living a life pleasing to Him in every moment. My life is becoming a Joyous Journey with God!



That was the harsh criticism I got yesterday! But luckily, I had just read this in an appointment with God:

“Who is anything beside the infinitely great God? And you… you are nothing but wretchedness.”

That’s me, all day long – nothing but misery (filled with mental sufferings like regrets, hurts, pain, anguish, failure, torment, disappointments, and agony). So much so, that I laugh at myself the way I go all over the place with my emotions all day! ‘Nikki, what is wrong with you!’ I continually ask myself! I constantly fall short of the person I strive and want to be. But here is what the person writing this book felt God had to say to her:

“I feed this wretchedness every morning with My Eucharist because I want to keep you in my friendship, for I am drawn to the weakest and the poorest. Give Me everything that you blame yourself, since I am the one who transforms even the ugliest, the lowest, the most vile. I transmute everything into the gold of My glory. How can this be done? By love.”

And that love from God has changed everything for me. People may judge me, cut me off, and say whatever they want about me, but I keep my eyes solidly fixed on God. His grace is sufficient. He has truly been my greatest friend who loves me unconditionally, despite what anyone thinks or feels.

This is the GREAT LOVE I hope to share with you. Like I’d been procrastinating about going somewhere for about a week now. I finally called and asked if I could go to a closer location, five minutes from my house, and they agreed. After writing in my post yesterday that life is a joyous journey and adventure with God, I go to this office and meet a sign there saying: “Life isn’t a race…find JOY in the JOURNEY.” I KNEW THIS WAS God speaking to me, and I was exactly where He wanted me to be in that moment. I’ve had to slow my roll down this week, feeling so tired, after I’ve been running around like a crazy lady. God, I got the message – life is not a race, Nik!

Once you get to know God, you’ll start to find glimpses of His Presence everywhere you go. ‘God, what have I done to deserve Your kindness?’ Some may call that sign a coincident, but because I know God, I know me going to that office and not the other one, hours after writing that post, was all orchestrated by Him to speak to me. That’s the love I’ve gotten to know from Him and what I want you to experience. We’re all nothing but wretchedness, but wretchedness entirely and unconditionally loved by God. Others may reject us, but God loves us regardless! And His love is enough! He is our greatest friend – FOR REAL FOR REAL! I’m sticking close to Him!



He makes me feel like the most loved person in the world with all the attention I receive from Him. Yesterday I felt extremely weak and fatigued and I pretty much dragged through the entire day like that. Even the large café con leche (coffee with milk) with extra coffee didn’t do anything for me. I was super tired!

Fast forward to that afternoon, I decided to have an appointment with God, to lean on His heart for a little bit. I continued from where I had last left off to read this message from Him:

“I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

“…when I am weak, then I am strong –the less I have, the more I depend on him. Whenever you feel weak God is reminding you to depend on Him.” – The Purpose Driven Life

That was the perfect message for me in that moment! No shame in my game! I can therefore boast of my weaknesses because those weak times that I go to Him, remind me that He is with me and He’s intimately involved in every moment of my life. We’re not going through life alone, God is with us!

In fact, whenever I sense any type of disturbance within me, I use it as an opportunity to RUN to God and say, ‘Help me, I don’t like feeling this way.’ I then reflect on the situation from His Almighty perspective and what He would have me to do. And His view changes everything. I constantly remind myself that my life is a joyous journey and adventure with Him. Every day is unique and filled with so much that I have to be grateful for. I keep my eyes fixed on God and not this world! I immediately shake off the disappointments or whatever is disturbing me, and go back to being the loving, forgiving, trusting in God, and going the extra mile person He has called me to be. Everything is between God and me, not between me and anyone else! God, my reward is with You!

Are you having those crucial appointments with God to learn His voice and what He has to say specifically to you? We need Him! His unconditional love is there for us. I feel that weakness yesterday was to slow me down and have some quiet time with Him to reflect on what is His purpose is for my life. Am I living the life He has called me to live? Are you? He doesn’t push Himself on us, but a life lived close to Him is the best!



And I’m importantly living from the perspective of KNOWING God is with me. I can relax and trust He’s working behind the scenes of my life on everything that is concerning me. This God factor changes everything. I no longer have to figure out how to resolve situations on my own, I can trust that God will show me one step, then the next, then the next, to help me get through anything that may come my way. There is nothing too difficult for God. I lay ALL my affairs in His hands!

Are you here with me, trusting that God is intimately involved in your life? He reminded me of that yesterday when I needed to get some sim cards for the girls’ phones. They still had their Nigerian numbers, and after their school kept calling my office yesterday about a situation, I was determined to get them US numbers so they can always reach me in case of an emergency. We got to the store, and there is a 50-minute wait time to see a sales representative, but I said no problem, we’ll wait!

A lady comes in while we were waiting and she didn’t see a seat so she stood at the back. I pointed out a seat up front, but she kindly gave it to another customer waiting. She eventually found another place. Some minutes later, I had to leave the chair where I sat, and I ended up sitting next to this very lady. We started talking, and she strangely asked when was my birthday. Can you believe we both share the exact birthday? She even got out her drivers’ license to show me! I asked her what prompted her to ask me that and she said she just liked my spirit. I then told her all about my blogging and how I’m this crazy God lady, and I asked if I could include her. She unbelievably said something like, ‘Yes, I’ve been wanting to get closer to God. I feel so blessed by Him.’

I then go to my Nook where I read my meditation books on my phone. The very words on that page, where I had last left off reading from my book said:

“…favorite song lately, Hold You Down by DJ Khaled”

She then shockingly says, I work at DJ Khaled’s restaurant. Guys, this was no coincident that I end up sitting next to this lady with my birthday. This was another one of God’s orchestrated events to let me know, and hopefully you, that He is intimately involved in our lives. For me to have those words from my book on the screen in very BIG font for her to see that DJ Khaled out of all the books on my phone and of all pages of my very wordy 365-day devotional was once again everything lining up EXTREMELY too perfectly to be some random occurrence. It was God revealing His invisible Presence with us. THE GOD PERSPECTIVE CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!



That was my daughter, Ember, yesterday as she drove us somewhere. I said, “No, I remember what God said to us when we were debating whether or not to leave Nigeria in our kids’ devotional: “No matter where you go, God will be with you.” That right there, KNOWING that God is always with my kids, even when I’m not, has given me such peace. We’re not going through life alone; God’s invisible Presence is always with us.

Are you feeling His closeness? That’s my assignment from Him, to share with you my experiences so you begin to feel Him as you go through your life. Like yesterday, sitting on a little stool in our bathroom, He showed up. I decided to chat with and encourage a friend who has gone through a crushing failure recently. I typed, “F.A.I.L. – “For Another Important Lesson.” I shared how a mistake I made the other day has been so good for me because I’ve learned that instead of rushing in to do things on my own, I need to slow down my roll and check in with God first – ‘God, what would You have me to do here?’ Right after that conversation, still sitting there, I decided to have a short appointment with God, and I unbelievably and randomly opened to this as if God was speaking to me:

“It is through problems and failure, weakness and neediness, that you learn to rely on Me.” Wink! Wink!

That was no coincident, but God revealing His intimate Presence with me there, with an important message for my friend after that disappointing defeat:

“Thus begins your journey of profound reliance on Me. It is a faith-walk, taken one step at a time, leaning on Me, as much as you need. This is not a path of continual success, BUT OF MULTIPLE FAILURES. However, each failure is followed by a growth spurt, nourished by increased reliance on Me. Enjoy the blessedness of a victorious life through deepening your dependence on Me… The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” – Jesus Calling

Notice the sweetness of God and how He comes to us amid life’s messiness. To be honest with you, I don’t know if my friend really believed this was a message from God, but I did. God has spoken to me so many times through this book that I have no doubt this was Him. Through our alone times, I’ve gotten to learn His cool and down to earth personality – He shows up in my bathroom! LOL! This gives me such confidence in knowing that He is my personal Protector, Adviser, Counselor, Friend, and Father, who is always with me.

Are you getting to know Him? I loved listening to the “Bible” app with my husband yesterday. To hear him so excited to share his alone time with God made this God geek wife super happy.



That’s the message from the calendar (Mottos for Success) that God speaks to me through all the time! I so believe this! In every aspect of my life, He has been there for me, helping and guiding me through anything that may come my way with His INFINITE wisdom. Like with my challenge lately of getting our business back on track here in Florida. I feel Him through my spirit, giving me advice on what He would have me to do. On Saturday, that meant asking my smart daughter, Ember, to work on a project for us, and astonishingly it pinpointed a crucial weakness we have going on. And to become strong again, we must attack those weaknesses!!!

This is what I love about my relationship with God. He figures out ways to let me know where I’m going wrong and what I need to improve in. I don’t have too much time these days to sit and have my appointments with Him reading my meditation books, but I listen to Him all day long through my spirit (His voice within us). I ask constantly, ‘God, what would You have me to do here?’ It’s forcing myself to slow down and get God’s input before I do anything. I then FEEL where He is guiding me. Peace, excitement are Him saying ‘Yes, go that way.’ However, stress, doubt, worry, anxiety are Him saying, ‘Don’t do that!!!’ So all day long I FEEL Him with me and directing me. He’s for sure a 24/7 God. No direction means don’t move!

God’s ways are not our ordinary human ways. He’s an expert in everything! The more we get Him involved, the better things work out. I know that as I do my best, God is doing His best to help me in the spiritual realm, sending people and ideas my way to assist me with anything. Don’t miss out on the best life close to Him. Say this prayer with me, ‘God I want a closer walk with You!’ Amen.




That’s the important question I have for us today! I know this transition from Nigeria to Florida has had me on a roller coaster of happy and sad (happy to be here for the girls, but seriously missing the boys and my hubby), but like I always write about – GOD IS HELPING ME.

Sundays are especially super tough and as I type this, I’m sitting in Starbucks with my delightful daughters, having our once a week treat. It was a nudge from God when I lied in bed crying one Sunday morning when I felt Him saying, ‘Nik, get out of this bed. You and the girls go and get some Starbucks, and have a nice run in the park together.’ And since then, it’s been our little Sunday routine. – No time for being sad! I’ve accepted that this is my life right now and I intend to ENJOY it knowing God is with me in every moment. It’s a JOYFUL sacrifice!

And as I’m enjoying the girls, hubs and the boys are bonding without the mama. Like I woke up in panic mode today, thinking I didn’t see about them getting their annual Nigerian outfit for the Independence Day celebration at school made. I called my elder son, Emmie, and he said that someone from our office in Nigeria coordinated for the tailor to come and sew outfits for them, without me knowing anything about it. It felt like God was saying, ‘Nik, Relax. I got you!’

So, what’s stopping you from being happy? Get God involved! HIS PERSPECTIVE CHANGES EVERYTHING. God has been my special Counselour. I go through my life lying on His heart. Whatever I’m sad about is a time for me to go to Him and talk about it. Getting up that Sunday morning and making it a routine with my daughters changed everything, instead of being sad and depressed. I trust that the boys and hubs are well taken care of by God. Ask Him to help you address what it is that’s upsetting you. Everything I’m worried about, I give it to God. I do my best and I leave the rest with Him!



I’m seriously missing my very comfortable life in Nigeria right now! But like my daughter told me, “Mom, you’re on a mission!” And I’ve happily accepted my assignment from God, realizing this is a sacrifice for Him – Everything is between God and us not between us and anyone else – FOR REAL, FOR REAL!!!

And waking up every day, striving to be the wife, mother, daughter (my mom is here with us!) and person God would have me to be has led my life on a lovely path – despite the hard work at the moment. I see my entire life as a gift from Him:

The extraordinary husband who I have such love and respect for
These hardworking and responsible daughters who are going the extra mile in making us super proud
My wonderful sons who have given up their mom for a bit as a sacrifice for their sisters
My 87-year-old mom who came from the Bahamas to keep our company (who I get to vent all my frustrations to for some excellent advice on how to handle them)
Our staff here who make going to work enjoyable and a fun challenge we’ve taken on together as a team
Our staff in Nigeria stepping up, even more, to help hubby while I’m away
The people who keep my neighborhood so beautiful that I get to go running in every day to recharge and have some alone time with God

And I can go on and on seeing everything from the perspective of – God, You did all this for me?

Even the challenges are gifts – they’re helping me to become ALL God has created me to be. The comfortable life in Nigeria has made me very lazy, if I’m sincere. I need to step up my game in spreading this GREAT news that God is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives and how much He unconditionally loves all of us! The next book is on the way! God, gracious (thank You in Spanish!)



Was the feeling I got when I was STRANGELY drawn to notice the sun shining brightly through our bathroom window revealing all the dirt there. I thought to myself about it, debating as to whether to clean it or not, but when I considered the hassle, I said it wasn’t worth the trouble. I then continued getting dressed for work.

Fast forward to that afternoon, I was having some alone time with God, and look what miraculously showed up:

“Avoid the little faults. Ask me to help you see them more clearly, in their true light, LIKE A WINDOW IN SUNSHINE (Wink! Wink!).”

Wow, God! HIGH FIVE! That was no coincident. It was His sweet way of revealing His intimate Presence with me. For me to pay attention to that WINDOW IN SUNSHINE that morning, and me going to look for some glimpse of His Presence in my alone time with Him, to find these words: WINDOW IN SUNSHINE, was all orchestrated by Him. God is always finding these different and unique ways of letting me know that His invisible Presence is ALWAYS with me. Are you getting to know His personality?

And these faults /imperfections He mentioned, I’m praying hard for Him to help me with some of them, especially my negative thinking, lately. But even these faults He’s helping me to use for my good! Anytime I catch myself, I run to God for His help and guidance, and we even laugh about them together. He’s teaching me to lighten up and not be too hard on myself or others. Practice, practice, and more practice. Nobody’s perfect, but we can all try to become BETTER. Who we were five minutes ago, doesn’t matter! We can continually begin again.

And that’s the love I’m getting to know from God. That I can sit down for some alone time with Him yearning to feel His Presence, and He shows up. We can even laugh at my imperfections! He’s pretty cool like that!

This life is not easy, and events can get us down. That’s why I needed that reminder from Him that despite all the negativity in the world I can keep myself resting permanently at HOME with Him filled with positiveness, gratitude, and love – that’s FAITH, baby! It’s like He melts away all my stress and frustrations saying, ‘Don’t worry about anything, Nik, I’m here with you.’

Please get to know Him for yourself!! Notice how His Spirit had me to pay attention to that window. Small, gentle nudges through our Spirit is what He does a lot – Do this. Don’t do that. START PAYING ATTENTION!!!