That was the question from my brother-in-law, Sandy, a short while ago. Honestly, I’m thanking God for him and his wife, Aima. They’re included when I tell you that God sent me a team of angels to support me.

Like I told Sandy today, we’re following their example. They were the first to move to the area where we live, and we literally followed them here almost 19 years ago. Their daughters graduated from top universities, and we’re supporting our daughters to do the same. They go through their ups and down and stick together, and that’s us too.

Most importantly, Aima has taught me to be a wise woman and follow God. And this is where I want us all, knowing on a moment-by-moment basis where God is leading us and following Him.

Are you walking with God? That means we must first learn His voice and the promptings of the Holy Spirit – His voice in each of us. It’s a practical experience of listening to Him. Like I wanted to run to my God tree today to get some glimmer of His Presence, but I promised my brother Jason in the picture that we would meet up for a Sunday business brunch, and I didn’t have time to run all the way to our tree. I felt God in my spirit saying it was OK to cut the run short. So, at 4 minutes past the hour, this incredibly showed up on page 4 of our family’s website:

“Last Sunday, I had the best business brunch with my brother, Jason, (Wink Wink) to discuss how I can better move our car dealership forward. He made one crucial statement: “You are always talking about God, Nik, but you don’t have confidence in Him.”

For that to show up as I was to go and meet up with Jason for another Sunday business brunch was God sweetly revealing another glimmer of His invisible Presence with me. This lined up extremely too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! This is the moment-by-moment conversations I want us to have with Him. Even though I didn’t make it to the tree, God found a way of making me aware of His Presence. He is intimately involved in our lives!

And that’s what happens when we walk with Him. He will find all these ways to let you know that you are never alone and He is always with you. (HUGE SMILE) This awareness of His Presence is what gives you the peace, joy, and courage to live your best life with Him knowing He will never leave or forsake us.

The business brunch with Jason didn’t disappoint. He called me stubborn, and I realize that’s something I must work on. I must be open to his suggestions if I’ve asked him to advise me. Thanks J! I now have the clarity I need to keep moving forward confidently with God as my Partner and Guide. May He strengthen and help us all! Amen!