That was a conversation question that my daughter, Ember, and I asked each other yesterday. She loved that I always see the bright side of everything, and I love that she, along with my son, Emmie, are my official critics. They both point out serious weaknesses going on with the momma. And I’m a believer in celebrating when we discover weaknesses within ourselves. Like, thank You, God, for helping me see more clearly into myself and where I can improve. Thanks to Ember who said one day something like me being the crazy lady was the usual, I was determined to bring back the wise, sane, calm, strong and fierce mom, even if I had to fake it until I made it. Thanks, boo!

I was thrilled that I also got to show her that life WILL knock you down sometimes. Things WILL happen that will hit the wind out of your sails. But, MOST IMPORTANTLY, I got a chance for her to see me running to God (not alcohol or drugs) for His help and guidance, and how He always comes through for me. In all my weaknesses, His strength beautifully comes shining through.

Another conversation question we asked each other yesterday was, “What are you grateful for in this period?” She was grateful for her car. She is our spoilt daughter who has earned our love and respect with her exceptional level of hard work and consistency, which has set the bar extremely high for our other kids. Keep going, my sweetie! I always tell her that no one gives you respect, and this daughter has earned ours.

I was grateful for this new level of closeness I now feel with God. Like yesterday I asked Ember for a razor to shave under my arms to wear a sleeveless shirt. She didn’t have one, so I went with what Julie said that New York City is pro body hair. Unbelievably, the very place I read early this morning on our family’s website said this:

But we don’t have to be all cleaned up for God!!! I’m so so so far from perfect, but I know I have God’s love and approval no matter how badly I make a mess of things. He doesn’t judge us and cut us off like other humans. Instead, he loves and accepts us exactly who and how we are (shaved or unshaven armpits (Wink! Wink!)! LOL!). He just makes us better.

God, very funny! No doubt this “shaved or unshaven armpits” was Him having some fun with me. It lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence. It was Him again revealing a glimmer of His invisible Presence with me! I even pointed out a lady with well shaven under arms to Ember on our way!!! God is intimately involved in our lives!!! (HUGE SMILE)

I loved also explaining my new concept about being married to her dad:
We’re like two circles in a Venn diagram. One circle represents our individual lives with individual dreams, goals, and aspirations. Marriage is where those two circles intersect. That intersection is where we agree to share a portion of our lives together. Your dad has his life he enjoys away from me, and I have my stuff I enjoy without him, but we still have that intersection area where we enjoy each other, our kids, and doing our family hustle thing together. When I’m with him, I enjoy him (mostly! LOL), and when I’m not with him, I enjoy my life doing me and being God’s girl in the world. I had to free your dad to live his life, to stop chasing him (not forcing anyone to do what they don’t want to do like Kevin taught me), and live my best life knowing God is with me in every moment. Sucking up to God’s infinite, deep and unconditional love for me! Nobody will ever love you better than God. HEEHAW!

Make sure you’re getting to know God a little bit better every day. Have alone times with Him reading or listening to anything spiritual.
I’m going back to Miami with new confidence after getting to hear from the President of Julie’s university, the first woman ever to hold that position. Her faith and passion for God and doing great work in the world on His behalf excited me to take on my many roles, all for God’s glory.

“The glory of God is a human being who is fully alive.” – Saint Irenaeus