“…I trust that whatever He allows to come my way, will ultimately be good for me. He has a way of turning all my “bad” to such good.” That was me to a customer who mistakenly ended up at our business and buying a vehicle from us on Saturday. Even the challenging paths, I’m thanking God for them. Those paths have brought me closer to Him and there is nowhere better I’ll rather be than close to God’s hearts, WHERE YOU KNOW WITHOUT ANY DOUBT THAT GOD IS WITH YOU AND FOR YOU.

God found a sweet way to let me know today that He is with me. My first appointment with Him this morning was about my famous “311,” where He reminds me to be still and allow Him to fight battles for me while I stay on the HIGHEST road being my best self. I say, ‘No problem, God, I got you!” Fast forward a few hours later, a young lady comes to purchase a vehicle from us, and a number I needed from her incredibly began “311.” Then her insurance agent called, saying she had to make a payment of $117 (another number special to me and God). So even with this business that I’m working so hard to get back on track, God lovingly says, ‘No worries, My Nik, I’m here with you!’ (HUGE SMILE)

How is your relationship with Him going? No matter how far you think you might have drifted from Him, trust me, HE HAS NOT LEFT YOUR SIDE. I had to have a talk with my son, Emmie, today after a teacher called saying he is on his way to earning detention. I called him saying that I’m the queen of falling, but God loves me unconditionally, and he simply says, do better next time and let’s keep going. In fact, my sister Nora (in the picture with me) discussed how God always seems to rescue us when we make mistakes. Like He has mercy on us and sweetly helps us out of tough predicaments. So, just like I told Emmie today, “Just do better next time.” God can help you get any situation back on track, step by step and little by little. NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR HIM!

So, this relationship I’ve developed with God is one where I’m learning to make Him the center of every move I make. All those mistakes have taught me to be wiser in PAUSING and looking to God MORE THAN EVER asking what He would have me do (or not do), what to say (or not say), and where to go (or not go). God knows everything! Wisdom is learning His voice and following wherever He leads.

Like right now, God is teaching me the difficult lesson of patience. Your girl is like Jesus now saying, “Not my will, God, may Your will be done.” I then do what my friend, Ceri, has taught me: Allow God to be God. Meaning I don’t have to control people and situations, I just have to show up, give my utmost best in every moment, and allow God to fight on my behalf. Whatever God does is well done. He knows the experiences we need to help us become the people He would have us to be. The Lord will perfect all that concerns me!

That means we can be full of peace, joy, and confidence (warrior style!) knowing God has our backs and He is at work in the spiritual realm on our behalf. And His love is nothing like what the world has to offer us.

Make sure you have alone times with Him throughout the day asking what He has to say to you. The best life is a life close to God!!! Which is another reason why I don’t ask for much because He exceeds anything I could possibly imagine. Like the teacher calling me today to personally say why she was not happy with our son. I thanked her for correcting him because having and learning discipline is a gift. Emmie may not like it now, but in the future, he will be thanking her. I indeed thank God for all the corrections He sends my way! God corrects those He love. So, don’t run from God, run to Him!!!! Make Him the center of every move you make!!!