I debated with Him under our tree yesterday as to whether or not to take my sons to work. I felt Him in my spirit saying, ‘TAKE THEM!!!’ Honestly, we had the best day together (HUGE SMILE)! It started with Emmie being upset at me, saying that I’m a terrible mom because I don’t cook for them. I told him I’m like Michelle Obama, Presidents’ wife, and I don’t cook! I explained how I may not cook, but I’m behind the scenes orchestrating the most delicious foods for them to enjoy. Julie would drive 30 minutes to buy okra to cook a Nigerian soup that they love with her dad helping her on video call. “The world doesn’t need my bad-tasting food!” I insisted. But the moral of the story is that people would try to fit you in a box that they want you in, but our times and energies are limited (life is short!), and I want us having constant conversations with God, asking Him what He would have us to do. The Lord is our Shepherd!

Then we had a situation with a car’s gas tank that refused to open, so we went to our angel/mechanic, Raul, and he opened it for us. We needed screws for our license plate frames that say “IN GOD WE TRUST” so we went to a hardware store, and that very morning in my appointment with God, He said to me, “The battle is not yours. It is God’s.” In comes a gentleman with a shirt confirming that message saying, “The Battle belongs to the Lord.” And on the back, it said, “THE LORD SHALL FIGHT FOR YOU, AND YE SHALL HOLD YOUR PEACE. – Exodus 14:14” No way this was some random coincidence! This very verse, let me tell ya, has seen me through so many storms as God lovingly tells me to do my utmost best and leave the rest with Him. GOD HAS NEVER FAILED ME!!!!!!!!!

Next, we fought over what to eat for lunch, and after two drive-thrus were not moving, we went to our fav Hoagie Hut. I go to the window to pay, and after telling you guys how God has been asking me to be patient, unbelievably, the sign at the counter to pay says something like, “This is not fast food. PLEASE BE PATIENT.” We left two other restaurants to come there to get that message from God!!! God is pretty talkative, and it’s so important that we learn His voice and direction for our lives. That’s my prayer for us! I’ve made many significant decisions because I was patient!

Later, I asked Emmie to help me send some documents to a bank so we could get paid for a deal. He said, “That’s not going to be my job. I don’t need to learn this.” Oh my goodness, I was so happy he said that. I responded, “You see your dad is too busy to help me buy cars, so I’m the one searching and buying cars. I’m taking them to the mechanic shop and tire shops. Our manager left, so you see mommy selling and financing the car and doing what I must to get paid from the banks. Every aspect of this business your mom has to do. When you grow up and need to feed your family, you must learn how to handle yourself in any and every situation, and as your mom, my job is to prepare you to cope with whatever life throws your way.”

Honestly, guys, listening to myself, I was like, wow, Nik, you are taking on your life like a real champion! A momma gotta do what a momma gotta do! And it’s all a testimony of God bringing out the best in me! All those battles that I’ve fought in the past were God’s way of increasing my faith in Him so that I could have the courage to take over every aspect of this business while hubby takes care of other vital issues. I got this, boo! The patience thing is working, too, baby! God uses all these experiences, the good, bad and ugly, to help us become all He has created us to be. That I could joyfully and bravely take my sons to work, knowing that even if my hubby is not with us and I must take on the mother and father role at the moment, the awareness of God’s Presence with me gives me such peace, joy, and courage.

A special thanks to Kevin, Jason, and Ceri, who genuinely have been angels in helping me stand strong for my family. I’m tapping into their male energy of calmness, toughness, courage, and strength while getting rid of some female emotions that take me down the wrong path. And to my better than best husband: thank you for a beautiful life and family and everything that you’ve done and continue to do for us! Forever grateful, guys!