That seems to be my constant message from God! I remember what my brother, Kevin, said one day, “I made a lot of good decisions because I was patient.” I’m with him on that! I’m grateful that God has taught me this valuable lesson of patience because while we wait, God is at work changing us, building our character, and helping us become the people He would have us to be:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, PATIENCE, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control..”

Speaking of Kevin, I sent him this message a few days ago:

“A new foundation. I was building the house on sand.”

I stole that line about a new foundation from Beyonce’s song that’s constantly playing on the radio and realized that’s where your girl here was getting it seriously wrong. GOD MUST BE THE STRONG FOUNDATION OF OUR LIVES!!! This portion from Marianne Williamson’s book, A RETURN TO LOVE, also came to mind:

“What I learned from A Course in Miracles is that the change we’re looking for is inside our heads. Events are always in flux. One day people love you; the next day you’re their target. One day a situation is running smoothly; the next chaos reigns. One day you feel like you’re an okay person; the next day you feel like you’re an utter failure. These changes in life are always going to happen because they’re part of the human experience. What we can change, however, is how we perceive them.

There’s a biblical story where Jesus says we can build our house on sand or we can build it on rock. Our house is our emotional stability. When it is built on sand, the winds and rain can tear it down. One disappointing phone call and we crumble; one storm and the house falls down.

When our house is built on rock, it is sturdy and strong and the storms can’t destroy it. We are not so vulnerable to life’s passing dramas. Our stability rests on something more enduring than the current weather, something permanent and strong. WE’RE DEPENDING ON GOD.”

Can you believe God found a way to confirm this is where He wants all of us in my appointment with the boys today when this showed up in our Jesus Calling Devotional for Kids:

“The wise man who builds his house on the rock is able to get safely through the storms. And the foolish man who builds his house on the sand—well, his house goes splat (that was me!!!)… I (God) am the Rock. Come to Me in prayer, and I will show you what is true, what can be trusted, what is real. Ask My Spirit to guide you… And then trust that I will help you stand firm when the storms come—because I will.”

That’s my testimony, baby! No matter the storms that come my way, GOD IS THERE AND READY TO ASSIST US. It’s just for us to keep our focus on Him, following His lead. Doing our best in the physical realm and trusting He is at work in the spiritual realm on my behalf. And this is the peace you cannot buy! It’s one that you work on my developing a relationship with God. Pray for a closer walk with Him; I promise you, it would be the best decision you can ever make (Wink! Wink!).