So my job is to hear from Him, then share my experiences with you so that you, too, will start paying attention to what He is saying to you. On a moment-by-moment basis, we can learn God’s voice and what He would say to us to help us make the best decisions for our lives. HEEHAW!!!

I had the sweetest God wink (a glimmer of His invisible Presence with us when everything lines up a little bit too perfect to be considered an ordinary coincidence). Yesterday I had a beautiful day talking back and forth with my brother, Kevin. One conversation was about my mom’s 90th birthday celebration in the Bahamas. I asked him for a venue to host the event, and he suggested the GREEN PARROT Restaurant.

Fast forward a few hours later, I’m sitting watching TV with my sister, Kelly, and of all the shows and episodes we are watching on live TV, there is a scene with a GREEN PARROT on the shoulder of a background actor. The thing completely freaked me out! Like how could Kevin come up with the GREEN PARROT Restaurant for my mom’s party and on live TV (not my usual Netflix) for the show to highlight this actual GREEN PARROT be a normal coincidence? It was completely and totally orchestrated by God to let me (and you!) know that His invisible Presence is always with us.

Then, last night I went to chat with Ember about her new internship on Wall Street. I started telling her how we must be so grateful to her dad for all his sacrifices to put our family in such a great position. I said whatever my hubby and I have to go through, the good, bad and ugly, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON HIM.

Fast forward to this morning, I’m listening to my new messenger from God, Ceri, in our Breakfast and Bible chat group, and he amazingly says, “GOD WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON US.” I knew immediately that this was another God wink for Ceri to say those very words I said to my daughter so late last night. God has been teaching me to love others the way He loves us. He holds our sins and transgressions as far as the east is from the west from us. He loves us unconditionally no matter what we’ve done in the past. He wipes our slate clean every moment, and this is where He would have us to be with others, especially in our homes.

Ceri has also importantly been teaching me to let go of trying to control people and situations, and I should let God be God by allowing Him to take control. That GREEN PARROT showing up and Ceri repeating my words “WILL NEVER GIVE UP” were both God making me aware that His invisible Presence stands strong with me and I’m not going by the ordinary rules. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!! He’s with you, too!!!