That was the prayer I said for hubby with him on the phone under my God tree today. Hubs responded, “Amen!” That’s my prayer for all of us today and every day, though! It’s not an easy road, this life, but that’s where our relationship with God comes sweetly in! Getting closer to home, I called hubby again, asking, “How much does this wife love you?” He answered, “Two percent!” “Wrong answer! This wife loves you infinity (incalculable) percent! And whatever it is we’re going to go through, we’re going to go through it together! Thanks for being the best baby daddy and husband in the world,” I replied.

Let me tell ya, I was out dancing on that run today like it was nobody’s business! I think what Kevin taught me has finally sunken in, “God wants you to know you are secure in Him.” God, I got it! That means He must be the center of our lives (no one else), making decisions from His Almighty perspective and continually asking, “God, what would YOU have me to do here?” Our hope is in Him!

“Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” – Psalm 34:5

I can’t get over how God has discovered a new way for the “311” to show up! Yesterday, a God thought came to mind, ‘Nik, you should run a 5K today.’ So instead of cutting across the street to get home, I took a longer loop around. I got home and asked Mr. Google how many miles in a 5K, and the answer was 3.107. I stopped my Nike Running club app to discover I had run unbelievably 3.10 miles. So, I said I needed to get that .07 in, and right as I left out of our front door, it switched to 3.11 miles. Wink! Wink! God’s sweet way to let me know He was with me, nudging me with that impression in my spirit to take on that 5K. Julie, your momma is leaving her comfort zone, baby girl!

In case you are new to my posts, the “311” showing up is a crucial sign from God to me that I should be still and allow Him to fight battles for me while staying on the high road going the extra mile in love, patience, loyalty, mercy, and kindness. I’m to the point now that I’m on the HIGHEST road with God now! Forget high! God shows my family and me such love and tender care, consistently EXCEEDING our expectations in every aspect of our lives that I just want to live my life glorifying and enjoying Him. I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU DO THE SAME. Forget what anyone else is doing; YOU JUST BE YOUR BEST SELF FOR GOD. Our reward is with Him! Wink! Wink!