I can’t get over how God finds these fantastic ways to speak to me. After saying so many times to my family this entire week that is our year of HARD WORK, God SWEETLY got on board with me. I went as far as bringing my daughters to work to help us clean cars to imbibe this value of HARD WORK. Preached to everyone at our office that the only thing holding us back is HARD WORK and discipline. Forced my daughter Julie to join our team three full days a week. Constantly told my son Joshie that we’re now following my son Emmie by bringing our best every day by WORKING HARD. I even changed my daughters’ contacts to Hardworking Julie and Hardworking Ember from Princess Ember and Princess Julie. Like totally getting on everyone’s nerves about this HARD WORK thing after listening to Rich Roll’s conversation with Joe De Sena, who organizes extremely grueling races all over the world.

This morning I was up from 2 am helping my hubby to rectify a work issue, but that didn’t stop me from going out on my morning run. I got to my God tree and decided to call to see how the situation was going, disconnecting my air pods from the loud music I usually play. A little way up from the tree, a father watched his son cross the street to go to school. The father astonishingly said one thing:

“WORK HARD” Wink! Wink!

I knew right away that was God’s adorable way of letting me know that His invisible Presence is ALWAYS WITH ME!!! That lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence! For me to turn off my music to past that father at the perfect time to hear him say to his son, “Work hard!” was God letting me know that He is intimately involved in every aspect of my life. This gives me the boldness and confidence to face my days at peace and joy, knowing He is working on my behalf in the spiritual realm behind the scenes taking care of us.

God got us, guys!!! It’s just for us to be fully committed to walking with Him on a moment-by-moment basis. The reason I was up at 2 am so lovingly helping my husband was that I ended a conversation with my brother, Kevin, yesterday saying that God SO EXCEEDS OUR EXPECTATIONS THAT WE MUST CONTINUE STAYING ON THE HIGH ROAD BEING OUR MOST LOVING, EXCELLENT, PATIENT, FORGIVING, GOING THE EXTRA MILE SELVES, NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ELSE IS DOING.

This brother is the perfect example of God’s love for me! He gave me him to help go through the hardest times of my life. He has been like one thousand brothers in one with the advice he gives me that I get to pass on to you through my blogs and vlogs. No joke! His wisdom is from God Himself speaking clearly to us through him. Like he told me that these runs are where I strategize with God about my problems and how to handle difficult situations because life is a war. He said to keep running, they’re working for me. Even with little sleep, I was back running!

Then the most terrific advice from him was a crazy day. I called him from under my God tree, all emotional, and he said, “Neeks, the best advice I can give you is to get closer to God. Make God your top priority.” Exactly what I needed. I started seeking God more than ever! Primarily through Dr. Charles Stanley, who confirmed so much of what I’ve written about over the years. That’s my advice to you today! THIS LIFE IS TOO HARD TO DO ON OUR OWN! God has to be our number one love; then we respond to everyone else, asking one question, “God, what would make You happy here!” I just told Kevin that these challenging situations don’t happen to me; they happen for me! They’re especially bringing me closer to God, and hopefully you, too! (HUGE SMILE)