But it was the bitter medicine your girl here needed to deal with to get to my happy, confident, brave, peaceful, loyal, and loving place with God. Humans reject and disappoint us, but God’s love is faithful and unconditional. We must hold humans in their proper perspective, not expecting too much from them. I even laugh at myself when I say I’m going to do something, and two hours later, I’m already falling off track. That’s us humans, weak, fallible creatures! I want us all FOCUSED on God’s love, not the love from other humans that can go up and down and all over the place from one moment to the next.

God is different. His love is steadfast and faithful. Even when He takes me through difficult paths, I know it’s from the hand of a loving Father who wants what’s best for me. Like this whole rejection thing I went through, It taught me how to love others unconditionally. To love mercy and walk humbly with God, not constantly judging everyone for every little thing. With God’s love and loyalty, I can turn around and love the people He has placed in my life His way. To be a little softer and gentler. Not everything that I want to say should be said. Somethings I can hold back some words as an act of love towards the other person.

“Thank you for this beautiful life I get to enjoy with you, my sweetie. I’m never leaving you.” That was me to my husband this morning. “Are you sure about that?” he asked. “I’m sure, boo. I’m your ride-or-die chick forever.” These values of loyalty, dependability, and faithfulness are what God has taught me in my appointments with Him. To go the extra mile in love. Instead of repaying evil with evil, God has asked that I use evil as motivation to spread even more love and goodness in the world. God, I’m in!

And when we live these values from God of peace, goodness, patience, kindness, loyalty, love, peace, gentleness, it’s like He goes out of his way to bless and reward us. Are you walking closely with God? Don’t miss out! His ways are not our ordinary human ways; they are so much better! Make God a priority! Have alone times with Him every day, so He molds you into the person He would have you to be, while He lovingly guides you on the path to the best life with Him. Wink! Wink!