That’s me having some fun with my son, Siah, for the last 24 hours. First, it was about his finger hurting. Then he went to tell his dad about it. Then his tummy had a slight pain. Then his sandwich was not heated enough. With me just having some fun with him and repeating, “Nobody likes a whiner!” Then he would playfully say back, “It takes one to know one!” With us both just enjoying each other’s company.

Fast forward to when we’re onboard a flight, and of 205 movies, I decided to watch Superintelligence. One of the characters seems to get in on me and Siah’s joke and says, “Stop acting like a baby…A peepee WHINEY (Wink! Wink!) baby face baby!”

Call me crazy, but that was one of my God winks where He goes before me and plants these tiny glimmers of His Presence that is always with me.

And if that’s not good enough for you to qualify as an official God wink, I have another one. Right before leaving for the airport, Siah brings me a shirt that was recently given to him and said, “Look at this shirt, it says Florida!” where we were headed. I said, “It’s Cape Canaveral, Florida where the spaceships take off.” Then at the end of the same movie, the same character says,

“This is the part where you guys should all cheer and high five as if you are at CAPE CANAVERAL (Wink! Wink!) when they landed on the moon.”

This lined up too perfectly to be some ordinary coincidence. It was God sweetly planting these moments in this movie to remind me of His deep, deep love for me. That He lovingly goes ahead of me to surprise me with these glimmers of His invisible Presence. And that He is familiar with all my ways. So, God even went as far as having a friend give Siah THIS SHIRT of all shirts to help orchestrate this wink! And for him to show it to me right before we were leaving. So that I would know, without any doubt that His invisible Presence is always with me and my family.

What first got my attention about the movie, though, was when the main character said something like, “You’re making it sound like I’m going to be your average baseline guinea pig,” when I just wrote two days ago how I’m feeling like God’s guinea pig to learn these lessons and teach you guys. Another wink to let me know His Presence is always with me!

And He’s with you, too! I’m only the God nerd here who has been given this awesome assignment to report back to you what I experience with Him! That we have a God who is madly in love with us. That He is always talking to us. Always available to us. He is just like a shy person waiting for us to invite Him in to be a part of our lives. Will you invite Him by saying this prayer with me, “God, I want to roll with you on the daily!!!” And then start learning His character and the person He would have you to be in the world.

Like an important lesson He wants to teach me lately is about being silent. “Seize every opportunity of keeping silent…” this is a tough one for your girl here who is forever wanting to turn into the crazy lady! But for God, “No problem.” Another lesson I feel He could also be teaching us is to think of others’ happiness, not just our own when we make decisions. Maybe my daughters are right about me in that I can be a narcissist who thinks about herself a little bit too much. Maybe I can think more on the lines of how can I make others happier? The world does not just revolve around us and our happiness! We can be more gentler and supportive of one another.

I really needed these winks from Him today in that movie, though. I’m headed back to Florida with some tough stuff on my plate to handle. But these winks were just God reminding me that I handle nothing alone and that He will be there with me! I don’t see how I’m going to handle things, but I’m trusting God. My help comes from the Lord, baby! That I will just show up as my best self in every moment and ask His Spirit to guide and lead the way! One step at a time, I know He will open the way before me! Heehaw!!!! I love my life with God! Don’t miss out!!!