That was me bragging to my husband this morning after a day where God showed His invisible Presence with me THE ENTIRE DAY yesterday! Here’s how those God winks went down:

The day before yesterday, I entered our showroom, and there was a couple there buying a car. I thought to chit chat for a bit, and the husband was so interested in my country. So, he jokingly asked, “Who will replace you in the Bahamas since your husband brought you here to Nigeria?” I then popped the question to my husband, “Hon, this gentleman wants to know who will replace me in the Bahamas since you took me away?” And we all had a big laugh about it. Fast forward to my appointment with God yesterday, look what question astonishingly showed up from Him to me:


“Others will come after you, BUT WHO WILL REPLACE YOU?” – He and I

‘Who will replace you, my Nik?’ God seemed to sweetly ask, getting in on our little joke. This question lined up entirely to perfect to be some ordinary coincidence after that conversation. Of all books, of all pages, this was God revealing His loving personality and invisible Presence, letting me know He is intimately involved in every moment of my life. I am ALWAYS with you, my Nik!

Another customer that day, Godwin, encouraged me so much saying, “Forget anyone else; your posts make me happy every day.” After that conversation, I kept saying to everyone after this rough 2020, “God will win!” Up to the very next morning, hubs had me read some depressing news article, and I said, “God will win o!” Fast forward to maybe 15 minutes later, Facebook notifies me, “GODWIN (Wink! Wink!) B. likes your photo.” Again, this was God confirming, ‘YES, I WILL WIN O!!!’ (HUGE SMILE)

Then, my sweetie daughter, Julie, a few days ago, accused me of being narcissistic (a personality disorder where people are overly obsessed with themselves with no empathy for others. Just about me, me, me.) I thought about it a good bit (a little bit too much) but figured that my entire life is about service to others. I wake up every day asking, “What vital information do I need to share with everyone today?” Then from there on, my entire life is about serving others.

Can you believe God got involved in our conversation? I was determined to finish listening to a Rich Roll’s podcast yesterday, when his guest, Laird Hamilton, surprisingly says, “…at the end of the day, to NOT be a narcissist and NOT have an ego, THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE. There is no way that you won’t have some sense of narcissism or some ego aspect to you.” Rich Roll replies, “You have to have a bit of an audacious sense of self to even attempt these things (like me wanting to bring humanity closer to God!). There’s is a healthy aspect to that. Its about keeping it in check.”

I sent the recordings to Julie, and she, too, felt God’s Presence after our conversation earlier in the week. I said, “You’re a bit of a narcissist yourself, my daughter. Who are you to think that you can go to Colombia University (only the top university in the world!)? You certainly have a grand sense of self even to attempt such a thing. But now you know, without a doubt, God’s Presence is with you. Let’s keep dreaming big, knowing He has our back.”

And with love like this, I can confidently face my tomorrows. Our God will win o! Our hope is in Him!!!